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Grand Archery Tournament Standings with Both Weapon Types

Here is a list of all people who have a current GAT Standing with Both Weapon Types. To be listed here an individual must be listed on *both* the Handbow and the Crossbow lists. This list shows archers who have spent time practicing with both bow types probably at the cost of getting better scores with either. The Standing Score is simply the addition of their Handbow Standing Score to their Crossbow Standing Score, then displayed as a percential. The 'Rank' indicates the individuals standing with the given weapon type, in the case of a tie both have will have the same 'Rank' and order is simply alphabetical.

The Percentage is given as an indicator of how far from the top the Archer is based on their actual GAT Standing Score. The GAT Standing Score is not directly displayed as it is a calculated number which is rediculously high and therefor difficult to put into real perspective.

# Name Kingdom Group %
1   Michael de Lundie Calontir Lonely Tower 100.0
2   Stephan Grimm Atlantia Stierbach 86.2
3   Johan of Hawksley Atenveldt Twin Moons 82.0
4   Loegaire (Loric) mac Lochlainn Meridies Phoenix Rising 78.5
5   Alaricus Simmonds An Tir Dragon`s Laire 73.3
6   Kaitlyn McKenna Ansteorra Shadowlands 71.3
7   Tymme Lytefelow An Tir Wyewood 47.4
8   Gladius the Alchemist Middle Cleftlands 47.3
9   Mika Longbow Outlands Unser Hafen 45.3
10   John de Percy An Tir Wyewood 42.1
11   James Llewellyn ap Gruffydd An Tir Seagirt 27.6
12   Johanna Trewpeny An Tir Adiantum 23.4
13   Truetvin Inglefinger Calontir Loch Bheathrock 18.2
14   Donald MacDonald Calontir Vatavia 14.7
15   Gregge the Archer Atlantia Roxbury Mill 14.1
16   John Wayland An Tir Adiantum 10.2
17   Bjorn Kolbjornsson An Tir Dragon`s Laire 7.8
18   William Douglas Calontir Vatavia 6.4
19   Catyln O` Sullivan Atenveldt Twin Moons 4.9
20   Juliana Macnayre Calontir Heraldshill 3.7
21   Johann Steinarsson Calontir Vatavia 3.5
22   Jonathas Reinisch Atlantia Dun Carraig 1.0

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