Current Averages

Here is a list of all people who have a current score/average in the IKAC - Child 2022 , and any rank they would have based on that score/average. Note: if ranks are given this is *not* their Official Rank, only the rank based on the current score/average.

The Scorekeeper last approved scores for this shoot on: 10/25/22

  Name (Age) Kingdom Group Weapon Current
1 Ami of Giggleswick (8) East East - Giggleswick Child Bow 49.0
2 Cooper of Aneala (7) Lochac Lochac - Aneala Child Bow 42.0
3 Shalu of Stonemarche (9) East East - Stonemarche Child Bow 32.0
4 Emma of Giggleswick (6) East East - Giggleswick Child Bow 31.0
5 Dmitri of Polit (8) Lochac Lochac - Politarchopolis Child Bow 6.0

This page and data has been provided by the SCA Scores website at
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