Greetings my fellow Archers I am
THL Poplyr Childs, Archer General for the Kingdom of Artemisia. I will be keeping this site up to date; with the invaluable assistance from the web minister of the site,
Forester Muldonny. If you believe your score is incorrect please search for your name and check all of the scores submitted and the dates. Sometimes the scores you were counting on are now over 12 months old.
If you have thrown Royal Rounds within the last year, please contact the Thrown Weapons Marshal who was in charge and find out if they have or will be submitting the scores. When you throw Royal Rounds in the future, ask if the scores are to be submitted and be sure the Marshal-in-Charge has all the information they need from you to submit your scores. Scores can be submitted by e-mail, or by regular "snail" mail.
If your name appears without your SCA Name, a Mundane Name, a Group, or is spelled incorrectly, please let me know so I can make corrections. If you are a Throwner in the Kingdom of Artemisia, and your name is not on this list, please contact me.
How do I
participate? |
For a list rules and a description of the Kingdom of Artemisia thrown weapons ranking system, please review the Missile Weapons Handbook - Thrown Weapons, located in the Library Section or the Marshallate page of the Kingdom website.
What`s a Thrown Weapons Royal Round? |
Throwers who show skill on the throwing field are recognized with a rank. This ranking is based on the average of three (3) Royal Rounds, thrown within a one year time period. Once a person achieves a ranking, it is a lifetime recognition that cannot be changed unless the archer increases his/her ranking. If a gentle achieves a ranking within another Kingdom, they maintain this ranking from the other Kingdom, but must earn an Artemisian rank separately.
A Thrown Weapons Royal Round shall consist of:
- 15 throws with an axe
- 15 throws with an knife
- 15 throws with an spear
Throwing for scores may occur if you have the following:
- A Throwing Range which meets Kingdom of Artemisia Safety Guidelines.
- A Warranted Thrown Weaponns Marshal with one witness present for scores to be official (two people minimum). The witness needs to be an SCA Member in good standing and be able to discuss the Thrown Weapons Scoring System if asked by the Archer General or a Deputy at some point in the future.
- An official practice or event.
- Royal Round score sheets indicating the date, event, Marshal, and scores for the thrower(s) seeking ranking should be submitted to the MiC. Once the MiC has recorded the scores they should be passed on to the appropriate Missile Weapons Captain and in turn to the Archer General.
What`s are the Thrown Weapon Ranks? |
Royal Round Rankings and what they encompass for an Thrower are important to the Thrower as an individual. They are the way that each Thrower can rate themselves against their previous scores and assess their improvement over time. A thrower cannot throw more than one Royal Round in a day to count toward their ranking. Throwers who achieve a ranking of Master or higher may have their ranking presented to them in Kingdom Court.
The rankings are:
- Novice:
A Novice is a gentle who understands the basics of Thrown Weapons, knows the rules of the line, and is familiar with different competitions. A Thrower must have three Royal Rounds with an average of 30 - 59 points.
- Apprentice:
An Apprentice is able to take the skills of a Novice to the next higher level. An Apprentice must have three Royal Rounds with an average of 60 - 89 points.
- Jouneyman:
A Journeyman exhibits all of the qualities of an Apprentice and is encouraged to become a Warranted Thrown Weapons Marshal. A Journeyman must have three Royal Rounds with an average of 90 - 119 points.
- Master:
A Master is the same as a Journeyman with three Royal Rounds averaging 120 - 149 points.
- Grandmaster:
A Grandmaster is the same as a Master with three Royal Rounds averaging 150 points or greater.
For more information about thrown weapons in the Society, please look at the SCA Thrown Weapons Homepage. For more information about the Kingdom of Artemisia, please look in the Library section of the Kingdom of Artemisia webpage.
How to submit scores? |
If you have scores
to report, please either
Please include
information below if e-mailed or snail mailed:
- The name and date of the event
- The name of the Thrown Weapons Marshal overseeing the event and the marshal`s SCA number
- Each thrower`s Society name, modern name, and Society group
- Each thrower`s scores for each weapon type, and the total score for the Royal Round
Only one score may be submitted per day. |
Any questions, comments, or corrections, please contact me. |
What is the 'Easy to Remember' address for this site? |
Well you always have the option of bookmarking almost any page. But, the easy to remember address for this site is: http://scores-sca.org/artemisia_thrown
Other useful sites
In Service to the Kingdom |
THL Poplyr Childs |