Greetings Fellow Archers of Avacal! I am Archos Ayame Houjou , Avacal's Score Keeper. I will be your faithful servant in providing a visible resource of Thrown Weapons Scores past and present, plus Current Rankings, along with the web minister of the site,
Forester Muldonny. Please let me know if:
- You are a new thrower in Avacal and your name is not on this list
- Your name is listed with missing or misspelled information
How do Marshals gain access to submit scores? |
Warranted Marshals may submit scores directly to this page. If you are a marshal and want to use this site, email me. I will verify you are a marshal by looking at the Kingdom list of warranted marshals avacal.org, and send you authorization to submit scores through this site. Please Contact : Archos Ayame Houjou
With the following needed information:
1) SCA name
2) Modern Name
3) e-mail
4) Branch/Location
5) Society Title/Rank is nice, but not required
Can Marshals use this site to submit Thrown Round scores to the annual Avacal Top Ten competition? |
Yes! |
How to
submit scores? |
If you have scores
to report, please either
1. |
them through the marshals page (if you are a marshal with score
keeping authority) |
2. |
them to Avacal Score Keeper |
Please include
information below if emailed:
- |
name and date of the event or practice |
- |
name of the archery marshal overseeing the shoot
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Each archer's Society name, modern name, and Society group |
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archer's bow type (longbow, recurve, crossbow), scores at 40, 30,
20 yds, 20 yd timed round, and the total score in the Royal Round |
What is the 'Easy to Remember' address for this site? |
Other useful
Please contact me with any questions not answered on the FAQ page. |
In Service to all Archers in Avacal, |
Archos Ayame Houjou |