Avacal Thrown Weapons Scores

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Greetings Fellow Archers of Avacal! I am Archos Ayame Houjou , Avacal's Score Keeper. I will be your faithful servant in providing a visible resource of Thrown Weapons Scores past and present, plus Current Rankings, along with the web minister of the site, Forester Muldonny. Please let me know if:
  • You are a new thrower in Avacal and your name is not on this list
  • Your name is listed with missing or misspelled information
How do Marshals gain access to submit scores?
Warranted Marshals may submit scores directly to this page. If you are a marshal and want to use this site, email me. I will verify you are a marshal by looking at the Kingdom list of warranted marshals avacal.org, and send you authorization to submit scores through this site.

Please Contact : Archos Ayame Houjou

With the following needed information:
1) SCA name
2) Modern Name
3) e-mail
4) Branch/Location
5) Society Title/Rank is nice, but not required

Can Marshals use this site to submit Thrown Round scores to the annual Avacal Top Ten competition?
How to submit scores?
If you have scores to report, please either
1. Update them through the marshals page (if you are a marshal with score keeping authority)
2. Send them to Avacal Score Keeper
Please include information below if emailed:
- The name and date of the event or practice
- The name of the archery marshal overseeing the shoot
- Each archer's Society name, modern name, and Society group
- Each archer's bow type (longbow, recurve, crossbow), scores at 40, 30, 20 yds, 20 yd timed round, and the total score in the Royal Round
What is the 'Easy to Remember' address for this site?


Other useful sites
Please contact me with any questions not answered on the FAQ page.
In Service to all Archers in Avacal,
Archos Ayame Houjou

Web Ministers, to directly link to this page use the following link:
Disclaimer and Copyright information
This is an UN-OFFICIAL site for the Avacal Thrown Weapons