Trimaris Thrown Weapons Scores

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Greetings my fellow Hurlers! I am Ringulf Haakonsson. I will be your faithful servant in keeping this site up to date along with the web minister of this site Forester Muldonny. If you believe your score is incorrect please search your name and check all of the scores submitted and the dates, sometimes the scores you were counting on are now over 12 months old.
Please also use the search and look for your name if you have not thrown in the last 12 months. If you have Thrown Royal Rounds within the last year, please contact the Thrown Weapons Marshal who was in charge and find out if they will submit the scores. They can submit the scores online, by e-mail or by regular "snail" mail.
If your name appears without the SCA Name, a Mundane Name, a Group, or is spelled incorrectly, please let me know so I can make corrections. If you are an thrower in Trimaris, and your name is not on this list, please contact me at the e-mail address above
How do I participate?
For a description of the Archery Ranking System in the Kingdom of Trimaris, please refer to the Target Archery Page.
Go to an event that has thrown weapons, and throw in a Royal Round. Ask the Marshal if they intend on reporting the results (see below). Local practices whose schedules are published in a group newsletter count as official.
What`s a Royal Round?
A Royal Round consists of:
- Three knives thrown from behind the 10  line
- Three knives thrown from behind the 18  line
- Three axes thrown from behind the 10  line
- Three axes thrown from behind the 18  line
- Three spears thrown from behind the 20 foot line
For more information about archery in the Society, please look at the SCA Archery Homepage. For more information about the Kingdom of Trimaris, please look at the Kingdom of Trimaris Homepage.
How are the standings calculated?
The database averages the three highest scores per hurler recorded in the last twelve months. The tables are continuously updated. Please also see the Ranking System for Trimaris Royal Rounds
How to submit scores?
If you have scores to report, please either
1. Update them through the marshals page (if you are a marshal with score keeping authority)
2. Send them to Ringulf Haakonsson
3. Mail them to my address (published in the Talewinds every month)
Please include information below if emailed or snail mailed:
- The name and date of the event the shoot was held at
- The name of the archery marshal overseeing the shoot and the marshal`s SCA number
- Each archer`s Society name, modern name, and Society group
Any questions, comments, or corrections, please contact me.
What is the 'Easy to Remember' address for this site?

Well you always have the option of bookmarking almost any page. But, the easy to remember address for this site is:

Other useful sites
Vivat Trimaris!
Ringulf Haakonsson

Web Ministers, to directly link to this page use the following link:
Disclaimer and Copyright information
This is an UN-OFFICIAL site for the Trimaris Thrown Weapons