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Event Shoot Details

Event Ursulmas
Shoot Title Combat archery - Corridor
Event Date 28 Jan 2018
Marshal Tymme Lytefelow
Host Kingdom An Tir
Host Group Aquaterra
Total Shooters 6 in attendance
The tournament was a corridor style. Done as quick & the dead format (starts back to back, each combatant paces 5 steps at the marshal`s count prior to turning, then firing) in a double round robin. The top two did a best 2 of 3 finals.

Combat Archery
  Name Group Weapon Score
1 Elora Lions Gate Combat Archery 11.00
2 Jacomina van Vossenbrouck Lions Gate Combat Archery 9.00
3 Warwick Drakkar Lions Gate Combat Archery 7.00
4 Arthur of the Green Arrow Wyewood Combat Archery 3.00
5 Telamon of Crete Dragon`s Laire Combat Archery 2.00
6 Artunis Dragon`s Laire Combat Archery 1.00

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