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Event Shoot Details

Event Whipping Winds
Shoot Title Defender Shoot
Event Date 18 Aug 2018
Marshal Henry of Bohemia
Host Kingdom Artemisia
Host Group Sentinels` Keep
Total Shooters 12 in attendance
GAT Grand Archery Tournament Shoot with a difficulty rating of: Handbow:17.96
Whipping Winds defender of arrow shoot. Shoot ran by Sir Haljti of Avacal. Winner, Archos Sir Ellias Silver of Avacal

  Name Group Weapon Score GAT
1 Sakeld the Peacemaker Montengarde Crossbow 11.00 1.00
  Name Group Weapon Score GAT
1 Ellias Silver Montengarde Handbow 27.00 100.00
2 William Thorsson Silver Keep Handbow 17.00 63.33
3 Henry of Bohemia Sentinels` Keep Handbow 16.00 59.67
4 Houjou Ayame Myrgan Wood Handbow 14.00 52.33
5 Kiera the Shadowed Montengarde Handbow 11.00 41.33
6 Tamsyn Sutherland Silver Keep Handbow 9.00 34.00
7 Jóra inn rakki Silver Keep Handbow 8.00 30.33
8 Lorette de Chasteauneuf Montengarde Handbow 7.00 26.67
9 Alec ap Odde Stan Wyrm Handbow 3.00 12.00
10 Isabella Guerrero Stan Wyrm Handbow 2.00 8.33
11 Will ap Odde Stan Wyrm Handbow 0.00 1.00

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