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Event Shoot Details

Event Montengarde Friday Practice
Shoot Title Out With The Old Fun Shoot
Event Date 25 Jan 2019
Marshal Kassandra Formica
Host Kingdom Avacal
Host Group Montengarde
Total Shooters 7 in attendance
Fun shoot at Friday Montengarde Archery practice with a old targets theme.

1 Skane Tyrsson Montengarde Recurve 55.00
2 Henry of Bohemia Sentinels` Keep Recurve 47.00
3 Tonis van Hoorn Montengarde Recurve 40.00
4 Morrigan Clubfoot Montengarde Recurve 32.00
5 Osric Fletcher Montengarde Recurve 24.00
6 Muirenn ingen Meic Raith Sentinels` Keep Recurve 21.00
7 Ogedei Bahadur Montengarde Horsebow 9.00

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