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Event Shoot Details

Event Mists Coronet
Shoot Title Mists` Archery Championship
Event Date 6 Apr 2019
Marshal Rebecca Redarrow
Host Kingdom West
Host Group Mists
Total Shooters 9 in attendance
GAT Grand Archery Tournament Shoot with a difficulty rating of: Handbow:22.31
Royal Round and SSAC Tic-tac-toe

  Name Group Weapon Score GAT
1 Michael of Fox Wood Wolfscairn Handbow 80.00 100.00
2 Randal of Camusfearna Hawk`s Haven Handbow 78.00 97.04
3 Rebecca Redarrow Wolfscairn Handbow 70.00 85.22
4 James the Unhinged Wolfscairn Handbow 68.00 82.27
5 Rose of Wolfscairn Wolfscairn Handbow 57.00 66.01
6 Conor Rex Fettburg Handbow 53.00 60.10
7 Thomas the Brewer Hawk`s Haven Handbow 52.00 58.63
8 Nasrine Wolfscairn Handbow 16.00 5.43
9 Floki Vikingr Wolfscairn Handbow 13.00 1.00

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