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Event Shoot Details

Event Good Archery Friday
Shoot Title Lochac King`s Round
Event Date 2 Apr 2021
Marshal Ulric of Ambledune
Host Kingdom Lochac
Host Group Politarchopolis
Total Shooters 6 in attendance
GAT Grand Archery Tournament Shoot with a difficulty rating of: Handbow:11.83
6 arrows at a standard target face, at least 1 arrow to score to allow the archer to progress to the next round.
Target starts at 10 yards, each successive round is 5 yards further out. If at maximum distance for the range, reduce the scoring rings on successive rounds.
Competition ends when all archers have dropped out.

  Name Group Weapon Score GAT
1 Heinrich Schreiber Politarchopolis Handbow 60.00 100.00
2 Crispin Sexi Politarchopolis Handbow 55.00 83.50
3 Ulric of Ambledune Politarchopolis Handbow 50.00 67.00
4 Sigmund Spelmann Politarchopolis Handbow 45.00 50.50
5 Jón húslangr Politarchopolis Handbow 40.00 34.00
6 Ada of Polit Politarchopolis Handbow 30.00 1.00

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