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Event Shoot Details

Event Harvest Days 2023
Shoot Title Harvest Days Tournament 2023
Event Date 9 Sep 2023
Marshal Taliesin of Archenfield
Host Kingdom Middle
Host Group Winged Hills
Total Shooters 6 in attendance
GAT Grand Archery Tournament Shoot with a difficulty rating of: Handbow:6.87
All targets are at 20 yards. 6 arrows untimed at each target.

Knight - Friend/Foe. Image of a knight on horseback with a banner flying overhead. +2 points for each arrow hitting the knight or his banner. -1 point for each arrow hitting the horse.

Spider Web - Image of a standard 5 color target, curved to look like a spider’s web. +2 points for hitting the central 3 colors, +1 point for hitting outer 2 colors (black and white).

Pumpkins - Target has multiple pumpkin balloons that are either orange or white. +2 points for each white balloon, +1 point for each orange balloon.

Bunny Bounty - Friend/Foe. Target depicts a big grey bunny with a horde of candy eggs, yellow candy chicks, and 3 dark chocolate bunnies in its lap. +3 points for each yellow chick, +2 points for each egg. -1 point for each arrow hitting the grey bunny or dark bunny. Scoring favors the archer.

  Name Group Weapon Score GAT
1 Joshua Frost Winged Hills Crossbow 39.00 1.00
  Name Group Weapon Score GAT
1 Edward Harbinger / William Boge Walker Scarlet Guard Handbow 23.00 100.00
2 Bertrande Fresneau Winged Hills Handbow 16.00 65.35
3 Sarah Bella Prytty Mugmort Handbow 6.00 15.85
4 Elpis Flaming Gryphon Handbow 5.00 10.90
5 Paxino Voltera Red Spears Handbow 3.00 1.00

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