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Event Shoot Details

Event Lilies War
Shoot Title Leif`s Period Shoot
Event Date 11 Jun 2024
Marshal Kezia von Holzenhaus
Host Kingdom Calontir
Host Group none
Total Shooters 8 in attendance
GAT Grand Archery Tournament Shoot with a difficulty rating of: Handbow:18.45
2 ends at 20, 2 ends at 30, 2 ends at 40 and 2 ends at a clout, period target

  Name Group Weapon Score GAT
1 Leif of Crescent Moon Loch Bheathrock Handbow 25.00 100.00
2 Asher de Lokwode Loch Bheathrock Handbow 15.00 58.75
3 Michael the Wanderer Oakheart Handbow 12.00 46.38
4 Martin Shepard Three Rivers Handbow 8.00 29.88
5 Eynon Llangenydd Grimfells Handbow 7.00 25.75
6 Alessandra de Piro Forgotten Sea Handbow 7.00 25.75
7 Olivia Scarritt Loch Bheathrock Handbow 3.00 9.25
8 Yoichi Kukichi Mag Mor Handbow 1.00 1.00

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