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Event Shoot Details

Event IKAC 2024 - OPEN
Shoot Title IKAC 2024
Event Date 15 Dec 2024
Marshal DBA Jonathas
Host Kingdom Inter-Kingdom
Host Group none
Total Shooters 277 in attendance
GAT Grand Archery Tournament Shoot with a difficulty rating of: Crossbow:23.47 Handbow:40.24

LIV Annual Interkingdom Archery Competition


The 2024 Season is the 57th year of the IKAC. Come play with us.

As Scorekeeper, scores that are submitted are checked for errors, such as odd numbers in a period score (period shoots only have even numbers) or a score over 30 in a static end. Those will be returned to be corrected. High scores will be looked at, checked and if it seems out of line with the archer, they may be questioned in an email to the marshal to verify that all is correct and then it will be posted. If I receive question on scores that have been approved, we can discuss them on the SCA Target Archery Site and/or Quivers and Quarrels. Great scores should be talked about not hidden from sight and forgotten. I believe in the honor of the SCA and what it stands for. It is up to all of us to keep it so. For those that have left the IKAC because you believe a score is unreal or they must not be playing by the rules I hear you. Twenty years ago, when I saw some of the crossbow scores, I had some of those thoughts myself. Now I am one of the one that I am sure others question my scores. Let us talk, let us learn, and let us improve. For those that have left the IKAC because your scores or your friend’s scores were not posted or you were getting no response at all, come back. Give us a chance, let us show you the difference as to how we are now.

The rules changed for the 2021 Season is as follows:

  • Period Crossbows may not have a modern style lock nor a modern trigger. They must have a period-style lock and release mechanism. The Lock and Release Mechanism should be documentable to 16th century or earlier. If there is a question about the mechanisms being in period, then the Marshal in Charge of the shoot may request proof or allow its one-time use at that event, until proof is provided. Archers using crossbows that might be questioned should be encouraged to bring documentation.


    The IKAC consists of seven Divisions: to include four Adult Divisions (Open Handbow, Open Crossbow, Period Handbow, Period Crossbow) and three Young Archer Divisions (Yeoman Division, Youth Division and Child Division.) The competition starts on 1 February and ends on December 1.

    In all Divisions, each Kingdom`s score will be the average of the top 3 scorers. All scores submitted for ALL archers that participate in the competition will be shown in the database on the Scores page.

    In ALL division prizes will be awarded for the 1st place Kingdom (Golden Medallions), the Second Place Kingdom (Silver Medallions) and 3rd place Kingdom (Bronze Medallions). Also, the designs of the medallions have changed so keep an eye out for the new medallion images. The winning Kingdom will be determined by averaging the highest scores of the three top-scoring archers for each Kingdom. In the case of a 1st place tie in a division both Kingdoms will be awarded 1st place Medallions and no 2nd place medallions will be awarded for that division. In cases of 2nd place ties in a division both kingdoms will be awarded 2nd place medallions.


    The IKAC consists of twelve rounds: two static (or `untimed`) rounds, and two 30 second timed (or `speed`) rounds at 3 distances 20, 30 and 40 yards. The static rounds will consist of six arrows each. There is no limit on the number of arrows that can be shot in the 30 second timed round. Once again: this means that each archer will shoot at each distance four times, two static and two timed. Note: The distances must be measured out, not paced.

    For the Children and Youth Divisions, the distances are 10-15-20 yards and 15-20-30 yards respectively. The Yeoman Division uses the Adult ranges. Everything else is the same.

    Summary of distances per division:

    • Adult Divisions

      • Open Handbow/Period Handbow/Period Crossbow/Open Crossbow

      • 2 rounds static (6 arrows) @ 20, 30, & 40 yards

      • 2 rounds 30 second timed @ 20, 30, & 40 yards

    • Young Archer Divisions

      • Rounds remain the same. The distances change as indicated below

      • Yeoman Division:

        • 20-30-40

        • Youth 15 and under

      • Youth Division:

        • 15-20-30

        • Youth 12 and under

      • Children Division:

        • 10-15-20

        • Youth 9 and under


    There is no time limit for the static rounds. Each timed (or `speed`) round is 30 seconds and as many arrows as can be loosed in that time.

    The archers may begin drawn and aim, to release upon command. The use of a tape recorder with a recording of the thirty second count-down is permitted for timing the ends. In shooting a speed end, you MUST draw your own arrows, NO ONE may hand them to you. If an arrow is in flight at the end of 30 seconds it will be counted.

    Any arrow or bolt released before the start or after the end of the 30 second time limit causes the archer to loses their highest scoring arrow or bolt of that round.


    Archers may compete in all Divisions. Archers may shoot both recurve and longbow in the Open Handbow Division. If you shoot a period style bow, you must shoot separately in Open and Period to enter a score for both Divisions (i.e., you cannot take one IKAC shot and count it for both the Open and the Period division, you must shoot two separate IKACs). Crossbows, both modern and period, may shoot only in the Crossbow Divisions. In the Young Archer Divisions, you may only compete in one of the categories (children, youth, or yeoman).

    The competition may be shot at any official Kingdom, Local event, or recognized practice (published in a newsletter or online E-list / page generally recognized by the local group). Events that fall outside of the normal IKAC season may be granted official scoring if requested to the Keeper well in advance in writing AND with approval of the Keeper.

    Archers may shoot for official score at as many competitions as they can attend, and may shoot for official score, in each Division, once each day of a multi-day event. Archers may shoot more than once in a particular Division per day, but only their top complete round of that day will be officially counted.

    NOTE: The Keeper encourages each archer to proactively ask questions in cases of misunderstanding or confusion regarding rules or scores. Please feel free to contact the Keeper via email or phone (see the Contact section) if any questions arise.

    In setting up and shooting the IKAC, all necessary precautions should be taken to insure the safety of all archers and bystanders. A warranted target archery marshal must be present at each IKAC shoot (an archer who is a Marshal may submit scores for himself/herself). The name of the Marshal must be submitted along with the score in order for the score to count. Contact information for the Marshal MUST be submitted along with the score, in case there are questions with the submission. This is very important. If you are a Marshal, please be aware of this. Archers are counting on you for their scores to be counted, please assist by providing your contact information.


    1. An IKAC has to be shot as one continuous shoot. An archer must declare when the IKAC is started, which division they are shooting, and must shoot each round until the IKAC shoot is completed. However, a temporary pause for adverse weather or other conditions may be allowed.

    2. The order of the ends is left to the archer or the Marshal as long as each IKAC score is shot as one complete, uninterrupted shoot. For example, an archer may shoot two Royal Rounds back to back, and then shoot two 30-yard timed ends and two 40-yard timed ends to complete the IKAC shoot. The above scenario would be fine, as long as no other arrows are shot for any other reason during that time.

    3. The archer may not pick and choose the best ends out of multiple shoots. Each shoot is a complete end-to-end exercise, where EACH arrow counts toward the final score.

    4. Once the start of an IKAC shoot has been declared, ALL arrows shot MUST be counted toward the score. Ranging shots and practice shots in between ends are specifically prohibited.

    5. The archer may take a reasonable amount of time to complete a shoot, but no other arrows must be shot for ANY purpose (including another competition), once the archer has declared the start of his/her IKAC shoot. If that happens, that IKAC score cannot be counted.

    6. The Keeper of the IKAC retains the right to clarify any score submitted.

    7. All scores must use the on-line form. Any exception must be approved by the Keeper of the IKAC.


    Equipment must conform to the rules specified for by the current SCA Target Archery Marshal’s Handbook. Please refer to these rules when shooting the IKAC. The official SCA archery rules can be found on the SCA web page at:


    Upon the judgment of the Marshal in charge of the archery competition, and subject to the rules of each Kingdom and the Society, allowance may be made for various disabilities. For example, visually impaired archers may have someone tell them where their arrows strike the target. Archers in wheelchairs may shoot while seated. Archers unable to cock their crossbows may have someone cock it for them, etc.




    The open Division target is a 60 cm, five color face.

    For the Open Handbow and Open Crossbow Divisions scoring is: Gold=5, Red=4, Blue=3, Black=2, White=1. Lines count as the higher score. Arrows passing through, falling out, or bouncing off the target face count as three points.


    The Open Divisions target 60 cm, FITA field face

    NOTE: At the request of several IKAC shooters, archers are now allowed to also use 60 cm FITA field face in black and gold targets if they wish. These targets can have a more period look. They are commonly used in mundane archery competition for Field Archery at distances from 30-60 yards. They can be bought from most archery distributors, including Lancaster Archery. The use of this target is entirely optional. Archers can continue to use the usual FITA 5-color 60 cm target without issues.

    Scoring is on the honor system: you may count and record your own score.


    The five color 60 cm. target may be used for the Period Divisions except that the scoring is different. The scoring is: White through blue = 2 points, red and outer gold = 4 points, inner gold = 8 points. Scores for the Royal Round, Open and Period Divisions may be shot and recorded on the five color face. Four points are given for a pass through or bounce off.


    The Period Divisions target is a 60 cm. three color face.

    Those archers wishing to shoot a more period looking target are encouraged to make and use the period face. The target is based on the one from the Luttrell Psalter. The target represents a two ring target with a center peg. The peg was used to hold the target to the butt. Splitting the peg or pin was the best shot, so those arrows hitting dead center score highest. The colors are from the inner ring or peg to outer ring: Or, Vert, and Argent. It is scored: Argent=2, Vert=4 and Or=8. Four points are given for a pass through or bounce off.

    The target face is equal in size to the current five ring, 60 cm. target now in use for the IKAC. The target may be made by hand by using a compass. The diameters of the rings are 6 cm., 24 cm. and 60 cm. The black line between the rings may be no wider than 2 mm. Yellow may be substituted for the gold and white for the silver. The vert should be a dark green. The back side of a 60 cm., five color target may be used by carefully tracing the rings.

    For those who wish to visit a print shop, here is a PDF for large format printers with the Period Face pre-drawn.


    Scores must be submitted to the site within thirty days of being shot to be counted as official. Scores may be submitted after this date by asking for approval from the Keeper. The final scores must be received to the IKAC site no later than December 8th. The results of each competition should be sent as soon as possible after they are shot, so they may be tabulated and posted. The Keeper`s interest is in recording all scores however, so if the 30 deadline passes do not hesitate to submit your scores anyway. The Keeper may contact you to obtain clarification before entering the scores. NOTE: All scores must use the on-line form. Any exception must be approved by the Keeper of the IKAC.



    In the Open Handbow Division, recurves and longbows, both period and modern, may compete using the current SCA Target Archery Marshal’s Handbook. There is no poundage limit. The rounds and general rules are the same for all Divisions.


    Both modern and period style crossbows may compete using the current SCA Target Archery Marshal’s Handbook. in the Open Crossbow Division. Crossbows may compete only in the crossbow Divisions.

    There is no limit to the number of bolts that may be shot in the speed ends. The target and scoring are the same as in the Open Division.


    The main intent of the Period Division is to encourage the use and construction of gear with a more period appearance in our SCA archery. Period style longbows or recurves may compete using the current SCA Target Archery Marshal’s Handbook.They may still be shot in the Open Division as well.

    Period equipment may compete using the current SCA Target Archery Marshal’s Handbook.


    Archers may use any period style release appropriate for their bow, but are not required to do so. For example, an archer may use a glove or tab instead of a thumb ring while shooting an Eastern style bow.


    Modern string materials are allowed, as well as period materials. Please exercise caution for a period material string.


    Non period arrow rests are not allowed. Built in full or partial windows are not allowed. However, a protruding rest resulting from layers of leather or other period materials, added to the handle is allowed.


    See the standard SCA Target Archery Marshal’s Handbook.


    Placement of sighting marks on bow limbs are not allowed for the Period Division.


    Nocks shall be either self or reinforced self, or period style inset nocks, for wood, bamboo or reed arrows. They may be of any materials that are similar in appearance to period materials and also similar in style. Plastic nocks are not allowed for period handbow division.


    Only period style crossbows may compete using the standard SCA Target Archery Marshal’s Handbook in this Division.

    The crossbow may be shot from any position. But the crossbow may be held only by the hands, not on a sandbag, etc.

    Slings are not allowed for shooting, but may be used to carry the crossbow.

  • Period Crossbows may not have a modern style lock nor a modern trigger. They must have a period-style lock and release mechanism. The Lock and Release Mechanism should be documentable to 16th century or earlier. If there is a question about the mechanisms being in period, then the Marshal in Charge of the shoot may request proof or allow its one time use at that event, until proof is provided. Archers using crossbows that might be questioned should be encouraged to bring documentation.

  • The target and scoring are the same as in the Period Division. There is no limit to the number arrows in the speed ends.


    The deputy in charge of the Young Archer Divisions is Osmond de Berwic. Osmond can be reached at ikac_youth scores-sca org

    In all of the Young Archer Divisions, recording the age (as of 1 Feb) of the child is mandatory. The on-line form and printed form are modified accordingly. Scores without age will be rejected.

    You may only compete in one division per season:

    • The Children division is meant for kids 9 and under.

    • The Youth division is meant for kids 12 and under.

    • The Yeoman division is meant for kids 15 and under.

    The Young Archer Divisions are meant to help children get interested and started in archery and put in the time to start developing their skills. Children who already shoot at the level of adults should be shooting in the Adult divisions. Children who may be younger than 9 but are able to reach 30 yards should be encouraged to shoot in the Youth division. Youth who may be younger than 12 but are able to reach 40 yards should be encouraged to shoot in the Yeoman division. This is not a competition where a very accomplished archer can get yet another medal, but a competition meant to get kids started in archery and interested in the sport. This is the spirit of this competition, and I ask each marshal`s assistance in understanding and meeting the spirit of the competition.

    To this end the IKAC has set thresholds scores for the Young Archer Divisions scores well above what the normal child shoots in that division. Once they cross that threshold score they are allowed to finish out the season in that division but the following season they will be moved up to the next higher Division. These threshold scores are as follows:

    • Children Division: 100

    • Youth Division: 120

    • Yeoman Division: 140

    If the Child is interested in moving up in the middle of the season from the Children to the Youth division, from the Youth to the Yeomen, or from the Yeoman to the Adult. Send a notification to the Keeper or his Deputy for Youth Archery, so that we can adjust the scores accordingly.


    The Children`s Division is open to all children age 9 and under (as of 1 Feb). Participants in the Children`s Division may shoot with either bows or crossbows. The age (as of 1 Feb) of the Child must be specified when sending in a score report. The target used in the Children`s Division is the same as the Open Handbow. The rules are the same as in the Open Division, except that the distances are 10 yards, 15 yards and 20 yards (instead of 20,30 and 40). Note that medallions will be awarded in the same way as the other divisions, i.e. the average of the top three children in each Kingdom will be counted for score. Children that shoot in the other divisions may not shoot in the Children`s Division. Children that shoot a score of 100 or above must move to the Youth Division the following season, but may finish the current season in this division.


    The Youth`s Division is open to all children age 10 to 12(as of 1 Feb). Participants in the Youth`s Division may shoot with either bows or crossbows. The age (as of 1 Feb) of the Child must be specified when sending in a score report. The target used in the Youth`s Division is the same as the Open Handbow. The rules are the same as in the Open Division, except that the distances are 15 yards, 20 yards and 30 yards (instead of 20, 30 and 40). Note that medallions will be awarded in the same way as the other divisions, i.e. the average of the top three children in each Kingdom will be counted for score. Children that shoot in the other divisions may not shoot in the Youth`s Division. Youth that shoot a score of 120 or above must move to the Yeoman Division the following season, but may finish the current season in this division.


    The Yeoman`s Division is open to all children age 13 to 15(as of 1 Feb). Participants in the Yeoman`s Division may shoot with either bows or crossbows. The age (as of 1 Feb) of the Child must be specified when sending in a score report. The target used in the Yeoman`s Division is the same as the Open Handbow. The rules are the same as in the Open Division, the distances are the same 20 yards, 30 yards and 40 yards. Note that medallions will be awarded in the same way as the other divisions, i.e. the average of the top three children in each Kingdom will be counted for score. Children that shoot in the other divisions may not shoot in the Yeoman`s Division.Yeoman that shoot a score of 140 or above must move to the Adult Division the following season, but may finish the current season in this division.

      Name Group Weapon Score GAT
    1 Torin of Mildenhalle Ponte Alto Crossbow 313.00 100.00
    2 Esperanza Susanna Flecha Sudentorre Crossbow 294.00 93.31
    3 John de Percy Wyewood Crossbow 293.00 92.95
    4 Weylyn of Sotwyld Blatha An Oir Crossbow 262.00 82.03
    5 Tymme Lytefelow Wyewood Crossbow 260.00 81.33
    6 Stephan Grimm Stierbach Crossbow 256.00 79.92
    7 Arnbjorn Karlsson Caer Anterth Mawr Crossbow 240.00 74.28
    8 Chris LeStrange Stierbach Crossbow 236.00 72.87
    9 Josep Gautsson Shadowlands Crossbow 231.00 71.11
    10 Griffin O`Suaird Glaedenfeld Crossbow 227.00 69.70
    11 Taliesin of Archenfield Flaming Gryphon Crossbow 221.00 67.59
    12 Eanraig the Bonesetter An Dubhaigeainn Crossbow 216.00 65.83
    13 Mikjall bogmadr Quintavia Crossbow 215.00 65.47
    14 Randolph Caparulo Mons Tonitrus Crossbow 167.00 48.56
    15 Canan the Falconer Granite Mountain Crossbow 144.00 40.46
    16 Pol O Coileain Granite Mountain Crossbow 140.00 39.05
    17 Lorenzo di Leone Salvini Glyn Dwfn Crossbow 123.00 33.06
    18 Camran MacAuley Stonemarche Crossbow 122.00 32.71
    19 Rhys ab Ismael Llygad Ryfedd Caer Anterth Mawr Crossbow 110.00 28.48
    20 Hiro Himoura Delftwood Crossbow 98.00 24.25
    21 Danielle Camere de Misericordia Granite Mountain Crossbow 91.00 21.79
    22 Gnaeus Iulius Celsus Delftwood Crossbow 67.00 13.33
    23 Aud, Lauren of Delftwood Delftwood Crossbow 32.00 1.00
      Name Group Weapon Score GAT
    1 Chris LeStrange Stierbach Handbow 295.00 100.00
    2 Peter the Red Carolingia Handbow 262.00 88.77
    3 Weylyn of Sotwyld Blatha An Oir Handbow 262.00 88.77
    4 Erikk MacLost -Dup Dragon`s Laire Handbow 261.00 88.43
    5 Alaricus Simmonds Dragon`s Laire Handbow 260.00 88.09
    6 Torin of Mildenhalle Ponte Alto Handbow 259.00 87.75
    7 Kobayashi Yutaka Carolingia Handbow 254.00 86.05
    8 Alfdis Hakansdottir Loch Salann Handbow 248.00 84.01
    9 Stephan Grimm Stierbach Handbow 233.00 78.91
    10 Miles de Locwode Stierbach Handbow 226.00 76.53
    11 Nikoli Duckfeather Dragon`s Laire Handbow 217.00 73.46
    12 Athelina Grey Seagirt Handbow 214.00 72.44
    13 David of Stierbach Stierbach Handbow 213.00 72.10
    14 Florian of the Glen Carolingia Handbow 209.00 70.74
    15 Gwyneth Cole Cleftlands Handbow 208.00 70.40
    16 Simon Fisc Wyewood Handbow 196.00 66.32
    17 Kheron Azov Lions Gate Handbow 191.00 64.62
    18 Benedikt von Luzern Twin Moons Handbow 191.00 64.62
    19 Conan Myrgan Wood Handbow 190.00 64.28
    20 Kaitlyn McKenna Shadowlands Handbow 188.00 63.60
    21 Ulric of Ambledune Politarchopolis Handbow 186.00 62.92
    22 Asher de Lokwode Loch Bheathrock Handbow 186.00 62.92
    23 Lucius Puddle Duck Politarchopolis Handbow 182.00 61.56
    24 Loegaire (Loric) mac Lochlainn Phoenix Rising Handbow 180.00 60.88
    25 Mungke Vachir Myrtle Holt Handbow 178.00 60.20
    26 Leif of Crescent Moon Loch Bheathrock Handbow 177.00 59.86
    27 Gideon Lyondemere Handbow 172.00 58.15
    28 Ricard Glaedenfeld Handbow 171.00 57.81
    29 Johan of Hawksley Twin Moons Handbow 167.00 56.45
    30 Katerina of Sørøya Glaedenfeld Handbow 164.00 55.43
    31 Bennett Redstone Darkwater Handbow 161.00 54.41
    32 Ivar Flutterstring Politarchopolis Handbow 160.00 54.07
    33 Jean Andre Boeye Sun Dragon Handbow 158.00 53.39
    34 Muldonny McVriw Cleftlands Handbow 155.00 52.37
    35 Toki Inn Eldri Bassi Darkwater Handbow 154.00 52.03
    36 Romy of Monserrat Calafia Handbow 153.00 51.69
    37 Merlin Wynn Altavia Handbow 153.00 51.69
    38 Thomas of Salisbury Dragon`s Laire Handbow 148.00 49.99
    39 Margaret Palmer Wyewood Handbow 145.00 48.97
    40 Rhys ab Ismael Llygad Ryfedd Caer Anterth Mawr Handbow 143.00 48.29
    41 Cedron Grea Calafia Handbow 142.00 47.95
    42 Rowyn MacLost Dragon`s Laire Handbow 141.00 47.61
    43 Rosalind Beaufort Rowany Handbow 137.00 46.25
    44 Alaster MacRae Cleftlands Handbow 136.00 45.91
    45 Edward Brackenburye Cleftlands Handbow 135.00 45.57
    46 Amabel Radleigh Altavia Handbow 135.00 45.57
    47 Poplyr Childs Loch Salann Handbow 134.00 45.23
    48 Tonegawa no Keiran Myrgan Wood Handbow 134.00 45.23
    49 Orianna Aethelwolf Atenveldt Handbow 133.00 44.89
    50 Disa of Calanais Calanais Nuadh Handbow 132.00 44.55
    51 Ælfric Hort Southdowns Handbow 132.00 44.55
    52 Anna von Ahrweiler Twin Moons Handbow 132.00 44.55
    53 Ian James Loch Bheathrock Handbow 131.00 44.21
    54 William of Mann Caer Anterth Mawr Handbow 129.00 43.53
    55 Gamli Grundel vom Gruenburg Tir Ysgithr Handbow 129.00 43.53
    56 Mabel Pine Politarchopolis Handbow 127.00 42.85
    57 Nikolai Twin Moons Handbow 127.00 42.85
    58 Nicodemus Novello Politarchopolis Handbow 124.00 41.82
    59 William de la Montaigne Coupe Rowany Handbow 123.00 41.48
    60 Anneke Lindu Humalasalo Handbow 122.00 41.14
    61 Arion the Wanderer Dragon`s Laire Handbow 121.00 40.80
    62 Daibhidh Mac Dubhghaill Atenveldt Handbow 121.00 40.80
    63 Chang Maille Ered Sul Handbow 118.00 39.78
    64 Kassandra Twin Moons Handbow 118.00 39.78
    65 Helgi Moosebane Twin Moons Handbow 116.00 39.10
    66 Gwyn Daundelyon Tir Ysgithr Handbow 116.00 39.10
    67 Rowyn MacLost Dragon`s Laire Handbow 116.00 39.10
    68 Seamus Rogan Delftwood Handbow 114.00 38.42
    69 Helvi the Disheveled Tir Ysgithr Handbow 113.00 38.08
    70 Sojourner Quintavia Handbow 108.00 36.38
    71 Abelard die Elster Caer Anterth Mawr Handbow 108.00 36.38
    72 Darkstone Brendoken Handbow 107.00 36.04
    73 Cadwgan Faber Brendoken Handbow 107.00 36.04
    74 James O`Conner Calafia Handbow 106.00 35.70
    75 Áine inghean Uí Ó Raghallaigh Tir Ysgithr Handbow 105.00 35.36
    76 Wat of Polit Politarchopolis Handbow 105.00 35.36
    77 ((Doug Noble)) Altavia Handbow 105.00 35.36
    78 Dafydd y Crwydryn Twin Moons Handbow 104.00 35.02
    79 ((Leonid Umanskiy)) Altavia Handbow 104.00 35.02
    80 Farulfr Taðksson Twin Moons Handbow 102.00 34.34
    81 Azriel di Cabra Seagirt Handbow 98.00 32.98
    82 Elia di Jacopo Twin Moons Handbow 96.00 32.30
    83 Gnaeus Iulius Celsus Delftwood Handbow 95.00 31.96
    84 Adam Arrowsplitter Myrgan Wood Handbow 95.00 31.96
    85 Hoshikawa Takakage Myrgan Wood Handbow 94.00 31.62
    86 Vigmar Politarchopolis Handbow 94.00 31.62
    87 Falco Gravine de Marisco Nordskogen Handbow 94.00 31.62
    88 Zuriel Nightshade Cleftlands Handbow 93.00 31.28
    89 Karl Friedrich from Dinkelsbuhl Caer Anterth Mawr Handbow 91.00 30.60
    90 Cadfan of the Autumn Wood Cleftlands Handbow 91.00 30.60
    91 Leoflaeda Ælfwynnesdohter Aneala Handbow 91.00 30.60
    92 Gwenllian verch Hywel Twin Moons Handbow 91.00 30.60
    93 Alva of Caer Anterth Mawr Caer Anterth Mawr Handbow 89.00 29.92
    94 Rob of Dragon`s Bay Dragons Bay Handbow 88.00 29.58
    95 Anabel Pennington Twin Moons Handbow 87.00 29.24
    96 Wencenedl of Rokesburg Ramshaven Handbow 85.00 28.56
    97 Finnan Fannach Sun Dragon Handbow 85.00 28.56
    98 Fionnghuala inghean Ghéarailt Twin Moons Handbow 84.00 28.22
    99 ((Ryan Madej)) Nordskogen Handbow 83.00 27.88
    100 Christophe Barnklau Darkwater Handbow 82.00 27.54
    101 Kara Bjórki Dragon`s Laire Handbow 82.00 27.54
    102 Guenhowar Apiaria Twin Moons Handbow 82.00 27.54
    103 Moire MacGraha Quintavia Handbow 82.00 27.54
    104 Agnes Faber Brendoken Handbow 81.00 27.20
    105 Bertrande Fresneau Winged Hills Handbow 80.00 26.86
    106 Allyson of Rowany Rowany Handbow 80.00 26.86
    107 Robert Boniface Myrgan Wood Handbow 78.00 26.18
    108 Gladius the Alchemist Cleftlands Handbow 76.00 25.49
    109 Johan Hukka Handbow 76.00 25.49
    110 William Cain Seagirt Handbow 74.00 24.81
    111 Thorfinnr Thengilsson Oakheart Handbow 71.00 23.79
    112 Kevin of Dismal Fogs Dismal Fogs Handbow 71.00 23.79
    113 Diccon de Reinport Mugmort Handbow 69.00 23.11
    114 Dafydd Myddleton Cleftlands Handbow 68.00 22.77
    115 Freydis zum Ainkurn Twin Moons Handbow 68.00 22.77
    116 Collette de Harcourt Innilgard Handbow 68.00 22.77
    117 Elsbeth Von Sonnenthal Granite Mountain Handbow 67.00 22.43
    118 Temurmaghad Ghubiyan Twin Moons Handbow 67.00 22.43
    119 Himanshu of Granite Mountain Granite Mountain Handbow 65.00 21.75
    120 ((Karen Kensek)) Altavia Handbow 65.00 21.75
    121 Jebe of Sudak Twin Moons Handbow 64.00 21.41
    122 Vovk Strilka Myrgan Wood Handbow 64.00 21.41
    123 Nicolas de Navarre Sun Dragon Handbow 63.00 21.07
    124 Leif Lettsverd Caer Anterth Mawr Handbow 63.00 21.07
    125 Willelmus Brendoken Handbow 62.00 20.73
    126 Ana Sirena DeValbuena Dunloch Handbow 62.00 20.73
    127 Aengus O`Bannon Forgotten Sea Handbow 62.00 20.73
    128 Septimus Politarchopolis Handbow 61.00 20.39
    129 Bero von Wustenbrunner Three Rivers Handbow 61.00 20.39
    130 Mór inghean Sláine Twin Moons Handbow 61.00 20.39
    131 Elias Politarchopolis Handbow 61.00 20.39
    132 Raoul Delaroche Myrgan Wood Handbow 60.00 20.05
    133 Reuben of Innilgard Innilgard Handbow 60.00 20.05
    134 Kaen Yukimura Myrgan Wood Handbow 58.00 19.37
    135 Justinian Twin Moons Handbow 57.00 19.03
    136 Dagrún Björnsdóttir Nordskogen Handbow 57.00 19.03
    137 ((Joseph Pingree)) Altavia Handbow 57.00 19.03
    138 William Forester de Blacwode Innilgard Handbow 56.00 18.69
    139 Aaron of Caer Anterth Mawr Caer Anterth Mawr Handbow 55.00 18.35
    140 Niels Aarnimetsä Handbow 54.00 18.01
    141 Jude Aleksandr Donesk Rowany Handbow 53.00 17.67
    142 Leahlan de la Haye Dragons Bay Handbow 51.00 16.99
    143 Angelo of Dragon’s Bay Dragons Bay Handbow 50.00 16.65
    144 Saradwen Ariandalen Gwyntarian Handbow 49.00 16.31
    145 Rachel of Rochester Stonemarche Handbow 49.00 16.31
    146 Hedwyg Nordskogen Handbow 49.00 16.31
    147 Margery Twin Moons Handbow 49.00 16.31
    148 Mort of Polit Politarchopolis Handbow 48.00 15.97
    149 Marco of Twin Moons Twin Moons Handbow 48.00 15.97
    150 Berik of Sudak Twin Moons Handbow 47.00 15.63
    151 Olivia Scarritt Loch Bheathrock Handbow 46.00 15.29
    152 Jesperi Hukka Handbow 45.00 14.95
    153 Chrettienne de L`eau du Pont Dragons Bay Handbow 44.00 14.61
    154 Wilma Aarnimetsä Handbow 44.00 14.61
    155 Leonne de Fresne Cleftlands Handbow 43.00 14.27
    156 Nyssa Brendoken Handbow 42.00 13.93
    157 Caoilfhionn inghen Cheallaigh uí Mhórdha Nordskogen Handbow 42.00 13.93
    158 ((Benjamin Zorriko)) Innilgard Handbow 42.00 13.93
    159 Frosty the Half-pint Aneala Handbow 41.00 13.59
    160 Maggie the Magpie Myrgan Wood Handbow 41.00 13.59
    161 Claus zum Einhorn Twin Moons Handbow 40.00 13.25
    162 Raegan of Lunihawk Rowany Handbow 38.00 12.57
    163 Gabrielle de Chats Noir Lonely Tower Handbow 38.00 12.57
    164 Aife Ingen Echdach Aneala Handbow 36.00 11.89
    165 Unikornis of Twin Moons Twin Moons Handbow 36.00 11.89
    166 Cainnech Obrion na nÉireannach Delftwood Handbow 34.00 11.21
    167 Kettil Einorson Twin Moons Handbow 34.00 11.21
    168 Elizabeth of Sun Dragon Sun Dragon Handbow 33.00 10.87
    169 Milesent Vibert Cleftlands Handbow 31.00 10.19
    170 Isaac Underwode Dragons Bay Handbow 31.00 10.19
    171 Angus Arthun Sun Dragon Handbow 31.00 10.19
    172 Maerwynn of Krae Gas Krae Glas Handbow 31.00 10.19
    173 Oddkatla Knarrbringa Aneala Handbow 30.00 9.85
    174 Astrid van Volkmanshagen Southdowns Handbow 29.00 9.51
    175 Isleen Ceolsige Seagirt Handbow 26.00 8.48
    176 Badger Bagbane Cleftlands Handbow 26.00 8.48
    177 Seaxburgah Burning Sands Handbow 26.00 8.48
    178 Ronan of Stormhold Stormhold Handbow 24.00 7.80
    179 Robert of Strathcorbie Borderscros Handbow 24.00 7.80
    180 Nest Brenhowel Innilgard Handbow 24.00 7.80
    181 Rafferty Innilgard Handbow 24.00 7.80
    182 Constance Audrey Burning Sands Handbow 23.00 7.46
    183 Everade Politarchopolis Handbow 20.00 6.44
    184 Kilic ibn Sungur ibn al-Kazganci al-Turhani Dragons Bay Handbow 19.00 6.10
    185 Kelsey of Caer Anterth Mawr Caer Anterth Mawr Handbow 19.00 6.10
    186 Sanna Gunnlyrrja Cleftlands Handbow 18.00 5.76
    187 Kolfinna Burlifora Mordenvale Handbow 16.00 5.08
    188 Morgan Innilgard Handbow 16.00 5.08
    189 Robynne of Granite Mountain Granite Mountain Handbow 16.00 5.08
    190 Leah of Caer Anterth Mawr Caer Anterth Mawr Handbow 16.00 5.08
    191 Emma of Stowe Stowe on the Wowld Handbow 15.00 4.74
    192 Malakai of Dragon`s Bay Dragons Bay Handbow 14.00 4.40
    193 Bastian Politarchopolis Handbow 14.00 4.40
    194 Sebastian Innilgard Handbow 13.00 4.06
    195 Katerina of Otford Twin Moons Handbow 10.00 3.04
    196 Crowley Innilgard Handbow 9.00 2.70
    197 Talwen Dragons Bay Handbow 4.00 1.00

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