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Scores for Celestria Alexandre d`Amiens

Name Kingdom Local Group
Celestria Alexandre d`Amiens Atlantia Stierbach

List of Shoots this person has Scores for

Scores for 2016 SPACS

Showing scores between 3/1/16 and 9/30/16
Show All Scores
Weapon Type Current Highest
Recurve 52.0 52.0
Scores for Recurve
Current Potential High Score with a Recurve 7 30 15 52
Average of Current Scores with a Recurve 5.6 27.6 10.2 43.4
Date Event Name Event Host Marshal Friend/Foe Ground Wand Total*
6/26/16 Grimmsfield SPACS Practice Stierbach Stephan Grimm 7 30 15 52
6/26/16 Grimmsfield SPACS Practice Stierbach Stephan Grimm 7 28 12 47
6/13/16 Grimmsfield Practice Stierbach Stephan Grimm 3 30 11 44
6/26/16 Grimmsfield SPACS Practice Stierbach Stephan Grimm 6 30 6 42
6/13/16 Grimmsfield Practice Stierbach Stephan Grimm 5 20 7 32


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