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Official Adult Atlatl 2014-2015 Ranks

Here is a list of the Official Adult Atlatl - Adult Atlatl 2014-2015 Ranks. This Shoot awards a single rank based on the highest average of all weapons used.

The Scorekeeper last approved scores for this shoot on: 10/19/15

   Ludicrous Atl-Atl Thrower      (Atl-Atl thrower with an average between 80 and 90 points.)
  Name Group Weapon Score
  There is no one with a Official Rank of Ludicrous Atl-Atl Thrower .
   Grand Master Atl-Atl Thrower      (Atl-Atl Thrower with an Average between 60 and 79 points)
  Name Group Weapon Score
1 Domhnall MacCeallaigh Three Mountains Atlatl 61.0
   Master Atl-Atl Thrower      (Atl-Atl Thrower with an average between 40 and 59 points.)
  Name Group Weapon Score
2 Ulric Morgan Blatha An Oir Atlatl 56.7
3 Felipa of Fenwald Glyn Dwfn Atlatl 50.0
4 Henri Fleche` Three Mountains Atlatl 50.0
5 Robert of Wolford (Wolf Fork) Three Mountains Atlatl 43.3
6 Gawin of Kevelioc Three Mountains Atlatl 43.3
   Accomplished Atl-Atl Thrower      (Atl-Atl Thrower with an average between 20 and 39 points.)
  Name Group Weapon Score
7 Phydeaux Weir Blatha An Oir Atlatl 38.3
8 Aleksei Zateev Glymm Mere Atlatl 35.0
9 William Cristofore of Devonshire Adiantum Atlatl 33.7
10 Alan Bowyer Adiantum Atlatl 30.0
11 Trahearn ap Iestin Three Mountains Atlatl 27.7
12 ((Can Be Deleted)) Glyn Dwfn Atlatl 24.7
13 Emir Andar Myrtle Holt Atlatl 24.7
14 Carith de Cuevas Three Mountains Atlatl 21.7
15 Radu Dragomir Adiantum Atlatl 20.3
   Atl-Atl Thrower      (Atl-Atl Thrower with an average of 19 points and below.)
  Name Group Weapon Score
16 Vadas Ersebet Wealdsmere Atlatl 19.3
17 Feradach MacTriallain Glyn Dwfn Atlatl 15.3
18 Aefe or Ava Ingn o`Kelly Glyn Dwfn Atlatl 10.0
19 Marguarite De Moseleia Three Mountains Atlatl 8.3

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