Rules for Royal Rounds - Adult 2013
The Scorekeeper last approved scores for this shoot on: 6/28/14
Shoot Begins: Thursday, November 1, 2012
Shoot Ends: Thursday, October 31, 2013
Scores must be Submitted by: Friday, November 15, 2013
All shooters must become thoroughly familiar with the Society rules, range procedures, and particularly the Society
range commands.
- Range Marshal - All shooting must be done under the supervision of an Archery Range Marshal (ARM).
- Heed all commands of the ARM in charge of the shoot.
- The ARM running the shoot has the final say on all decisions. Anyone not following the ARM`s direction will be subject
to discipline including expulsion from archery activities. If an archer thinks the ARM`s decision is faulty, it should be
appealed to the West Kingdom Royal Archer, in accordance with the West Kingdom and Society grievance procedures.
- Shooting hours are set by the Archery Marshal in Charge (AMIC) and the ARM.
- No missile (arrow, bolt etc.) is to be nocked or loaded while anyone is down range.
- No missile is to be nocked or loaded while bow or crossbow is pointed in any direction except down range and on the
shooting line.
- No horseplay or fooling around at the shooting line.
- No shooting after or during the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- No one is to go down range to retrieve missiles until the line is cleared by the command of the ARM.
-Treat all bows and crossbows as if they are ready to shoot; keep them pointed in a safe direction at all times.
- All range equipment must be checked and certified to be in good working order by their owners before being used and
during shooting.
- Bows and crossbows, etc. may not be removed from the shooting line unless uncocked and by their owner.
- All missile weapons shall be made safe immediately after the command "bows down" regardless of when the command
is given.
- All inexperienced shooters should be accompanied by an experienced shooter, and anyone under 18 must be
accompanied by an adult.
- Targets are the only objects that may be shot at on the range.
- Be courteous to fellow archers. Do not distract them while shooting.
- Do not leave trash anywhere on any range. Place in trash can, or take it with you.