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Event Shoot Details

Event SSAC-24D-Tic Tac Toe-Period
Shoot Title Tic Tac Toe SSAC
Event Date 16 Dec 2024
Marshal Thomas of Salisbury
Host Kingdom Inter-Kingdom
Host Group none
Total Shooters 222 in attendance
GAT Grand Archery Tournament Shoot with a difficulty rating of: Crossbow:26.58 Handbow:18.72

This Seasonal Archery Challenge is a Tic Tac Toe shoot. The common kids game turned into an archery shoot.

Please read the SSAC General Rules, as these apply to all SSAC shoots. Below are the additional rules for this specific shoot.


The target is nine 20cm circles arranged in a 3 circle across by 3 circles down. You may either purchase three `Vertical 3-spot` targets and place them side by side, such that the horizontal spacing is generally the same as the pre-printed vertical spacing. These targets are available from numerous retailers, for example:
You may also hand draw the target, the Circles should be exactly 20cm in diameter with the spacing between circles of 1.5cm to 5cm.


Hand Drawn Target


Using Vertical 3-Spot Target

A Single Spot version of the target that can be printed on a regular printer then assembled has been provided by Thomas of Salisbury. After printing, measure the printout to ensure that it is the correct size and the printer did not scale it up or down.

A Large Format Printable version of the target has been provided by Wolfgang von Tolstat.


The shoot has four ends

  • 15 Yards - Untimed 6 arrows
  • 15 Yards - Timed 30 seconds
  • 20 Yards - Untimed 6 arrows
  • 20 Yards - Timed 30 seconds


The scoring is: 1 point per arrow hitting any circle. There is a bonus of 5 points for any `3 in a row` created. Each arrow may only count as hitting a single Circle, however the Circle hit may count towards more than one `3 in a row`. Repeat hits to a circle count, ie all six arrows in one circle counts as 6 points.

A Printable Scoresheet has been provided by Thomas of Salisbury.

This shoot was suggested by:
Miguel de Granada

  Name Group Weapon Score GAT
1 Crispin Fletcher Nordskogen Crossbow 74.00 100.00
2 Tymme Lytefelow Wyewood Crossbow 61.00 82.61
3 Gladius the Alchemist Cleftlands Crossbow 48.00 65.22
4 Arnbjorn Karlsson Caer Anterth Mawr Crossbow 42.00 57.19
5 Dolan Madoc Lonely Tower Crossbow 41.00 55.85
6 Eorann O`Connor Dragonsspine Crossbow 40.00 54.51
7 Michael de Lundie Lonely Tower Crossbow 39.00 53.18
8 Abdullah al Rashid Rhydderich Hael Crossbow 33.00 45.15
9 Vidi Hovdestad Nordskogen Crossbow 31.00 42.47
10 Hiro Himoura Delftwood Crossbow 30.00 41.14
11 Rhys ab Ismael Caer Anterth Mawr Crossbow 23.00 31.77
12 Helena Falkenstein Wealdlake Crossbow 11.00 15.72
13 Helena Caxton Jararvellir Crossbow 11.00 15.72
14 Amalie Reinhardt Delftwood Crossbow 5.00 7.69
15 Aud, Lauren of Delftwood Delftwood Crossbow 0.00 1.00
  Name Group Weapon Score GAT
1 Paul Stoddard Starkhafn Handbow 54.00 100.00
3 Kristofer hárfagri Dragonsspine Handbow 42.00 76.71
2 Robert Boniface Myrgan Wood Handbow 42.00 76.71
4 Cristophanus Castellani Altavia Handbow 41.00 74.76
5 Liam Og Omanahan Summits Handbow 34.00 61.18
6 Bleddyn Pwllgwyngyll Lions Gate Handbow 32.00 57.29
7 Gladius the Alchemist Cleftlands Handbow 31.00 55.35
9 Guillermo Del Roco Rising Stone Handbow 30.00 53.41
8 Seamus De Mantel Lyonsmarche Handbow 30.00 53.41
10 Kazetani Tarou Noritatsu Starkhafn Handbow 28.00 49.53
11 ((John Boelte)) Sternfeld Handbow 25.00 43.71
12 Poplyr Childs Loch Salann Handbow 24.00 41.76
13 Dalibor Vilcekov Delftwood Handbow 23.00 39.82
15 Jois Corbet Jararvellir Handbow 21.00 35.94
16 Moira nicConnel the Strongbow Jararvellir Handbow 21.00 35.94
14 Sigurd Loch Salann Handbow 21.00 35.94
17 Alva of Caer Anterth Mawr Caer Anterth Mawr Handbow 20.00 34.00
20 Kevin the Broken Thor`s Mountain Handbow 18.00 30.12
18 Sabastian Mora Delftwood Handbow 18.00 30.12
19 Kaen Yukimura Myrgan Wood Handbow 18.00 30.12
22 Robert atte Blackwell Aarquelle Handbow 17.00 28.18
23 Sefa Farmansdottir Nordskogen Handbow 17.00 28.18
21 ((Nikolai Pavliscak)) Jararvellir Handbow 17.00 28.18
27 Kazetani Kiyotora Starkhafn Handbow 16.00 26.24
26 Vallittu Hukka Handbow 16.00 26.24
25 Ginevra Maddalena di Tomaso Volpe Jararvellir Handbow 16.00 26.24
24 Jaakko Tuve Hukka Handbow 16.00 26.24
28 William Cain Seagirt Handbow 15.00 24.29
29 Beatrix Hukka Handbow 14.00 22.35
30 Pekka Hukka Handbow 14.00 22.35
32 Knutr Olafsson Osiðar Nordskogen Handbow 12.00 18.47
31 Isobel Kilburn Starkhafn Handbow 12.00 18.47
34 Walborg Liucoin Hukka Handbow 11.00 16.53
36 Gernot Wealdsmere Handbow 11.00 16.53
35 Thomas Tausend Jararvellir Handbow 11.00 16.53
33 Morgan the Falconer Wolfscairn Handbow 11.00 16.53
37 Mielikki Hukka Handbow 10.00 14.59
38 Lydia Talbot Jararvellir Handbow 10.00 14.59
41 Lettice Spindler Rivenvale Handbow 8.00 10.71
39 Kazuyama Kiyomoto Vulcanfeldt Handbow 8.00 10.71
40 Marvin of Jararvellir Jararvellir Handbow 8.00 10.71
43 Reimar Erikson Ravenslake Handbow 7.00 8.76
42 Alot de la Bro Politarchopolis Handbow 7.00 8.76
44 Hedwig Star Windhaven Handbow 4.00 2.94
45 Keridwyn Silver Keep Handbow 3.00 1.00

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