Mid Realm Archery Scores

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Scores for Viscount Kheron Azov

Name Kingdom Local Group Order of Precedence
Viscount Kheron Azov An Tir Lions Gate Kingdom OP

List of Shoots this person has Scores for

Scores for Tic Tac Toe

Showing scores between 9/1/24 and 11/30/24
Show All Scores
Weapon Type (Age) Current Highest
Open Handbow 37.0 37.0
Scores for Open Handbow
Current Potential High Score with a Open Handbow 10 2 9 16 37
Average of Current Scores with a Open Handbow 10.0 2.0 9.0 16.0 37
Date (Age) Event Name Event Host Marshal 15 Untimed 15 Timed 20 Untimed 20 Timed Total*
11/2/24 Tir Righ November Coronet Seagirt Azriel di Cabra 10 2 9 16 37


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