Archers of Lochac, greetings
This site contains your scores for IKAC and Royal Rounds. Please have a look at the score and may it inspire you to shoot that next best score.
- You may use the left side menu to browse through the current standings of the various shoots.
- You can use the Name Search function from the left side menu to look up your own scores or those of any other archer.
- If you believe that some of your scores are missing you should contact the Marshal In Charge of the event and verify with him/her that the scores were indeed submitted and when they where submitted.
- If you notice your name is misspelled, your name has changed, your branch has changed, your branch is listed wrong, you are listed twice under two different names, etc. then please contact the Scorekeeper Madog Llwyd ap Madog or Deputy Earl Marshal for Archery Lord Grigorii Luchnik to have it corrected.
- Help us keep your personal data in the Royal Rounds database as correct as possible, report any errors to your local Marshal.
- Target Archery Marshals running events should submit the scores for those events.
- Scores should be submitted promptly, within 2 weeks of any event or practice.
- When submitting scores you need to know the following information.
- Archer`s SCA name
- Archer`s mundane name
- Archer`s local SCA branch
- Archer's score for each end shot in the round
- If you are a Target Archery Marshal and do not have a login for this Scores database, please contact Lord Grigorii Luchnik and provide the following information:
- Your SCA name
- Your mundane name
- Your local SCA branch
- Your membership number and expiry date
- Your authorisation expiry date
- The email address you wish to use for this account
If you have any problems with these pages contact the Lord Grigorii Luchnik
This excellent online scorekeeping system was developed by Forester Muldonny of Atlantia and is now in use by several kingdoms.
Many of the functions are automated and the averages are recalculated each night from the submitted and approved scores. From the time the Marshal In Charge of an event submits scores until you see it reflected online in an archers average should be no more than a week.
What is the 'Easy to Remember' address for this site? |
Well you always have the option of bookmarking almost any page. But, the easy to remember address for this site is:
In Service to the Kingdom |
Lord Grigorii Luchnik |