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Event Shoot Details

Event Ursulmas
Shoot Title Ursulmas Archery Tournement
Event Date 25 Jan 2025
Marshal Erikk MacLost
Host Kingdom An Tir
Host Group Aquaterra
Total Shooters 33 in attendance
GAT Grand Archery Tournament Shoot with a difficulty rating of: Handbow:20.94
Archer shot 6 arrows at 6 different targets. Everyone shot with Handbows

1) Pin the Tail on the Boar @ 20y
2) Robin Hood @ 20y
3) Picasso @ 30y
4) Wand shoot at Boars @ 30y
5) Rabbits @ 40y
6) Pinwheel @ 40y

  Name Group Weapon Score GAT
1 Alaricus Simmonds Dragon`s Laire Handbow 65.00 100.00
2 Weylyn of Sotwyld Blatha An Oir Handbow 60.00 92.38
3 Gunnar the Wanderer Lions Gate Handbow 59.00 90.86
4 Evrard de Valogne Wyewood Handbow 55.00 84.77
5 Fiona ingen Chinaeda Aquaterra Handbow 52.00 80.20
6 Athelina Grey Seagirt Handbow 51.00 78.68
7 Romy of Monserrat Calafia Handbow 46.00 71.06
8 Henry of Bohemia Sentinels` Keep Handbow 44.00 68.02
9 Muirenn ingen Meic Raith Sentinels` Keep Handbow 42.00 64.97
10 Leo le firse Wyewood Handbow 40.00 61.92
11 Runt Aquaterra Handbow 35.00 54.31
12 Thomas of Salisbury Dragon`s Laire Handbow 33.00 51.26
13 Yusuf Ryshko Wyewood Handbow 32.00 49.74
14 Nikoli Duckfeather Dragon`s Laire Handbow 30.00 46.69
15 Johann Bjornson Aquaterra Handbow 26.00 40.60
16 Agnes Scherer Lions Gate Handbow 26.00 40.60
17 Zazel Verloum Thornwood Handbow 25.00 39.08
18 Thomasina Fairamay Blatha An Oir Handbow 24.00 37.55
20 Gregoire an Bella Vulcanfeldt Handbow 20.00 31.46
19 Gideon Finlay Stromgard Handbow 20.00 31.46
21 Tam Robertson Wealdsmere Handbow 16.00 25.37
22 Criostal Sealgaire Aquaterra Handbow 16.00 25.37
24 Elovel Terra Pomaria Handbow 13.00 20.80
23 Katla Mani Aquaterra Handbow 13.00 20.80
25 Kendreah Dhovachaid Adiantum Handbow 12.00 19.28
27 Donnell Davinson Aquaterra Handbow 12.00 19.28
26 Medb ingen Echuid Aquaterra Handbow 12.00 19.28
28 Brodie Robertson Wealdsmere Handbow 11.00 17.75
29 Levi ben Daniel Three Mountains Handbow 10.00 16.23
30 Rowyn MacLost Dragon`s Laire Handbow 9.00 14.71
31 Bridget of Kilkenny Lions Gate Handbow 8.00 13.18
32 Rayn of Monserrat Calafia Handbow 5.00 8.62
33 Dylan de Strivelyn Aquaterra Handbow 4.00 7.09
34 Isabel MacBain Wealdsmere Handbow 0.00 1.00

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