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Event Shoot Details

Event Ursulmas
Shoot Title Ursulmas Over 40 Tournament
Event Date 26 Jan 2025
Marshal Erikk MacLost
Host Kingdom An Tir
Host Group Aquaterra
Total Shooters 17 in attendance
GAT Grand Archery Tournament Shoot with a difficulty rating of: Handbow:26.03
Archers shot 4 end of 6 arrows at the following targets

1) Headshot 10/hit only 3 arrows for this end @ 20y
2) Arrow slit, double score on standard 60cm target must go through the arrow slit to count. @ 20y
3) 6 sided foam dice, double the face value of the die @ 30y
4) Robin Hood, shoout through a 1`? tube for score or around the taget for less points. 10 shoot through, 3 inner ring, 1 outer ring

  Name Group Weapon Score GAT
1 Henry of Bohemia Sentinels` Keep Handbow 72.00 100.00
2 Weylyn of Sotwyld Blatha An Oir Handbow 68.00 94.34
3 Kheron Azov Lions Gate Handbow 57.00 78.79
4 Athelina Grey Seagirt Handbow 54.00 74.54
5 Alaricus Simmonds Dragon`s Laire Handbow 47.00 64.64
6 Erikk MacLost Dragon`s Laire Handbow 45.00 61.81
7 Romy of Monserrat Calafia Handbow 32.00 43.43
8 Biorn Atlason Aquaterra Handbow 31.00 42.01
9 Thomas of Salisbury Dragon`s Laire Handbow 27.00 36.36
10 Gunnar the Wanderer Lions Gate Handbow 19.00 25.04
11 Kara Bjórki Dragon`s Laire Handbow 16.00 20.80
12 Donnell Davinson Aquaterra Handbow 14.00 17.97
14 Desdemona Lions Gate Handbow 10.00 12.31
13 Desdemona Lions Gate Handbow 10.00 12.31
15 Agnes Scherer Lions Gate Handbow 8.00 9.49
18 Katla Mani Aquaterra Handbow 2.00 1.00
17 Theodora Pleustissa Glymm Mere Handbow 2.00 1.00
16 Theodora Pleustissa Glymm Mere Handbow 2.00 1.00

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