Scores for Freyja
Name |
Kingdom |
Local Group |
Freyja |
Avacal |
Borealis |
Scores for 2011 Season
Showing scores between 11/1/10 and 10/31/11 Show All Scores
Weapon Type |
Current |
Highest |
Open |
56.7 |
58.3 |
Scores for Open |
Current Potential High Score with a Open |
| 54
Average of Current Scores with a Open |
| 7.7
Date |
Event Name |
Event Host |
Marshal |
Total |
Total* |
2/22/11 |
Borealis Prac |
Borealis |
Ro-Bear |
0 |
60 |
2/15/11 |
Borealis Prac |
Borealis |
Ro-Bear |
0 |
56 |
4/19/11 |
Unknown |
Cold Keep |
Tymme Lytefelow |
54 |
54 |
3/15/11 |
Borealis Prac |
Borealis |
Ro-Bear |
0 |
52 |
4/12/11 |
Borealis Prac |
Borealis |
Ro-Bear |
0 |
52 |
2/1/11 |
Borealis Prac |
Borealis |
Ro-Bear |
0 |
49 |
1/25/11 |
Borealis Prac |
Borealis |
Ro-Bear |
0 |
48 |