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Recorded Timers

Below are downloadable pre-recorded timers for use as "marshals-in-a-box". The Standard Timers each states the lenght of the timer (approx 15 second from the start), "Make Ready" (approx 10 seconds from the start), then a 5 second count down to "Loose", finished with a 5 second count down to "Hold", where appropriate calls at the 10 second marks are included. The Wacky Timers are, well, lets just say unique, listen to each to find out what it includes. Most cell phones which have a speaker phone option can play at the shooting line, on some phone you might have to save them as "ringtones". I'll gladly add more timers if you have other unique timers, just email them to me.

Standard Countdown Timers
    10 Seconds         15 Seconds    
20 Seconds 25 Seconds
30 Seconds 35 Seconds
40 Seconds 45 Seconds
50 Seconds 55 Seconds
60 Seconds 65 Seconds

Wacky Timers
    Marvin the Martian (35 seconds)    

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