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History of the SCA Scores Site

Greetings my fellow Archers,

Around the turn of the century I built a little website to speed up the process of getting an Atlantian Royal Round score from the range into each archer`s Official Published Average, which at the time typically took nearly 3 months. At first it was an uphill battle to convince the "powers that be" of the advantages of going electronic, being a young upstart archer and having only just received my Award of Arms earlier that year. Nearly a year later the site saw its first scores submitted. Once the site was in full use, the typical time for a score to effect an average fell to under a week, and when all the marshals align it can be done in a single evening. Over the years many new features were added to that site, to include; tools to help the Deputy Earl Marshal better manage the Badges which needed to be given out, a new type of standardized shoot which could easily be changed, then Atlatl was added as a new "class" of archery shoot which doubled all the tools needed, and using all the recorded data many other fun tools and statistics were added.

After only a year Atlantia`s northern neighbor, and my former home, took notice of the Atlantian site and asked if it would be possible to setup a similar site for them as well. So the Aethelmearc site was born with all of the features from the Atlantian site at the time, but customized to Aethelmearc`s version of the Royal Round. As time went on and new features were added to the Atlantian site, some of those were also added to the Aethelmearc site, some were not due to the differences in the sites. Over time the two sites became more and more different, so became more and more difficult to maintain and add new features to. When two other groups requested sites of there own at nearly the same time, the Kingdom of Trimaris, and the Principality of The Summits. It became obvious that a new completely rebuilt version of the site was overdue. A version which could handle all the scores from practically any marshalled activity in various Kingdoms and Communities, yet was flexible enough to handle the differences in the way each calculated their averages and displayed their rankings. This version would re-use as many of the forms and display pages as possible, yet allow for completely custom pages where needed. And finally would allow the many scorekeepers out there to easily get their Kingdom/Community`s scores published online. Nearly a year of development and testing later, the new version of the scores site went live over Memorial Day weekend 2004 with the Kingdoms of Atlantia and Aethelmearc and the Principality of The Summits, followed by Trimaris a few weeks later.

After a few years of receiving many scores from the Scores Site, the Inter Kingdom Archery Competition (IKAC) decided to join the site. This required a number of changes due to it`s unique cross kingdom nature and specific submission requirements, but the overall flexibility of the site prevailed. With the beginning of the 2009 Season, the IKAC officially moved to the Scores Site. This also provided a huge benefit to the kingdoms using the site, as now their marshals could submit an IKAC and the site would automatically pull out the two embedded Royal Rounds and send those off to their home kingdom with a single score submission.

The Scores Site became a multi community site in 2011 as the Thrown Weapons Inter-kingdom Challenge (TWIC) began using the site. With this addition several kingdoms quickly began also using the site for their Thrown Weapons. In June 2012 I am elevated to the Order of the Pelican primarily due to my work with this site and supporting the Archers of the Known World.

At Thanksgiving of 2012, the SCA Scores Site truly became an Official SCA site as it was approved by the Board of Directors to use Changing the punctuation from a dash to a dot may seem trivial, but it in terms of SCA laws it is quite huge!

Changes are coming quick as many make great suggestions to add to the site for the benifit of everyone. So please be patient while I work to help support all the Kingdoms and Communities Society wide.

At last count the Scores Site supports two different Marshal Communities, Archery and Thrown Weapons, across 17 Kingdoms plus 3 Inter-Kingdom Competitions.

If you have any suggestions or would like more information about this site, my mailbox is always open. If you have questions about a specific shoot or are a marshal who can not logon please contact the Scorekeeper or Deputy Earl Marshal for the Kingdom you are in. If you are from a Kingdom or Community who would possibly like to use this site to maintain your scores, I`d be happy to give you a behind the scenes tour, get you up and running, control of the shoots and scores will always remain in each kingdom`s hands. The goal of this site since day one, and it remains the same today, is to get scores from the target to the scorekeeper to the official average as quickly and accurately as possible.

  1. In Service to the Dream,
  2. Meister Jonathas, Knight of the SCA
  3. Kingdom of Atlantia

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