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Event Shoot Details

Event IKAC 2011 - Open Divions
Shoot Title IKAC 2011 - Open Divions
Event Date 1 Feb 2012
Marshal Jonathas Reinisch
Host Kingdom Inter-Kingdom
Host Group none
Total Shooters 487 in attendance
GAT Grand Archery Tournament Shoot with a difficulty rating of: Crossbow:43.83 Handbow:39.34

XXXIV Annual Interkingdom Archery Competition

Updated 2/3/2011

By Lorenzo il Confuso, Keeper of the Interkingdom Archery Competition

NOTE: Following is a detailed note stating the changes now in effect for the 2011 season (Season XXXIV) of the IKAC/IKCAC competition. The overall rules document has also been updated to reflect the new rules

Summary of CHANGES for Season XXXIV (2011 season)

CHANGES: The following changes are now in effect for the 2011 season (Season XXXIV):

  • A new Yeoman Divison for Youth of 15 years old and younger. The rules for this division are the same as the Adult division, except limited by age. The Yeoman scores will be shot at 20-30-40 yards.

  • Like the Children and Youth divisions, the age of the Yeoman is as of the beginning of the season, 1 February 2011, is the age of record for this year`s competition. However kids should shoot in the division that challenges them most, and marshals are strongly encouraged to facilitate this. Therefore, if a child who is 15 on 1 February but turns 16 during the year, the child can continue to shoot in the Yeoman division. Note that shooting in multiple divisions is against the rules. If a child is interested in moving up from the Children to the Youth division, from the Youth to the Yeoman, or from the Yeoman to the Adult (something we strongly encourage, as it is always in the interest of the archer to test themselves against harder competition) send a notification to the Keeper or his Deputy for Children`s Archery, so that we can adjust the scores accordingly.

  • The limit of 200 in both Children, Youth, and Yeoman divisions remains in place. This limit is there for a reason. Please see the appropriate section in the rules for more information.

Note: The rules below have been amended with the new rules. There are other minor changes throughout the document. Please take the time to read through the entire rules document.

IKAC rules

The IKAC consists of seven Divisions: Open Handbow, Open Crossbow, Period Handbow, Period Crossbow, Yeoman Divions, Youth Division and Children`s Youth Division. The competition starts on 1 February and ends on December 1.

In all Divisions, each Kingdom`s score will be the average of the top 3 scorers. All scores submitted for ALL archers that participate in the competition will be shown in the database on the Scores page.

Prizes will be given for each Division, ONLY to the top three archers of the winning Kingdom, except as noted below

In the Open Division prizes will be awarded for the 1st place Kingdom (Golden Medallions) and the Second Place Kingdom (Silver Medallions).

Note that If more than 100 archers place in any other division, the Keeper will furnish medallions to the Second Place Kingdom in that division as well, but this is only if more than 100 archers place in any division other than the Open Division. It is hoped that this will provide incentive to have more archers shooting in divisions other than the Open. It is further hoped that each Kingdom will encourage the efforts of their archers by awarding further recognition regardless of placement. The final scores as well as the monthly report will be by the Keeper sent to the Kingdom newsletters.


The IKAC consists of twelve rounds: two static (or `untimed`) rounds at 40, two timed (or `speed`) rounds at 40, two static rounds at 30, two timed rounds at 30, two static rounds at 20 and two timed rounds at 20. The static rounds will consist of six arrows each. There is no limit on the number of arrows that can be shot in the timed round. Once again: this means that each archer will shoot at each distance four times, two static and two timed. Note: The distances must be measured out, not paced.

For the Children and Youth Division, the distances are 10-15-20 yards and 10-20-30 yards respectively. Everything else is the same.


There is no time limit for the static rounds. Each timed (or `speed`) round is to be shot in two ends of 30 seconds and as many arrows as can be loosed in that time.

The archers may begin drawn and aimed, to release upon command. The use of a tape recorder with a recording of the thirty second count-down is permitted for timing the ends. In shooting a speed end, you MUST draw your own arrows, NO ONE may hand them to you. If an arrow is in flight at the end of 30 seconds it will be counted.


  1. An IKAC has to be shot as one continuous shoot. An archer must declare when the IKAC is started, and must shoot each end until the IKAC shoot is completed.

  2. The order of the ends is left to the archer or the Marshal, at the discretion of the Marshal, as long as each IKAC score is shot as one complete, uninterrupted shoot. For example, an archer may shoot two Royal Rounds back to back, and then shoot two 30-yard timed ends and two 40-yard timed ends to complete the IKAC shoot. The above scenario would be fine, as long as no other arrows are shot for any other reason during that time.

  3. The archer may not pick and choose the best ends out of multiple shoots. Each shoot is a complete end-to-end exercise, where EACH arrow counts toward the final score

  4. Once the start of an IKAC shoot has been declared, ALL arrows shot MUST be counted toward the score. Ranging shots and practice shots in between ends are specifically prohibited.

  5. The archer may take a reasonable amount of time to complete a shoot, but no other arrows must be shot for ANY purpose (including another competition), once the archer has declared the start of his/her IKAC shoot. If that happens, that IKAC score cannot be counted.

  6. The Keeper of the IKAC retains the right to question any score submitted. The name of the Marshal in charge of the shoot must be clearly shown on the score submission, and a contact number or email for the Archery Marshal in charge of the shoot must be provided so that the Keeper of the IKAC may contact him or her after the shoot in case clarifications are required. Please do not provide the name of the overall Marshal for the event, I need the contact information for the Archery Marshal that supervised the actual IKAC shoot. The Marshal must have knowledge of the shoot, and its details. If this information is not provided and questions arise, the Keeper of the IKAC may decide not to count the score submission. If this happens, the submitter of the score will be informed of the decision, and a mention of this fact will be posted on the web site, so that others may provide input, if necessary. NOTE: I highly recommend that you enter all scores using the on-line form, which will improve the speed of review and posting.


Equipment must conform to the rules specified for SCA Target Archery. Please refer to these rules when shooting the IKAC. The official SCA archery rules can be found on the SCA web page at, then click on the `Combat and Chivalry` link. Note: additional restrictions exist for shooting in the Period and Period Crossbow Divisions. Please see the appropriate section on this page.


Archers may compete in all Divisions. Archers may shoot both recurve and longbow in the Open Division and enter the Period Division separately. If you shoot a period style bow, you must shoot separately in Open and Period to enter a score for both Divisions (i.e. you cannot take one IKAC shot and count it for both the Open and the Period division, you must shoot two separate IKACs). Crossbows, both modern and period, may shoot only in the Crossbow Divisions. Youth and Children`s Division rules are slightly different. See the Children`s Division paragraph below.

The competition may be shot at any official Kingdom or local event (regular practice sessions which are periodically announced in the appropriate newsletter count as official events--otherwise, official events are all those announced in the appropriate Kingdom or local newsletter). Events that fall outside of the normal IKAC season may be granted official scoring if requested to the Keeper well in advance in writing (AND with approval of the Keeper).

Archers may shoot for official score at as many competitions as they can attend, and may shoot for official score, in each Division, once each day of a multi-day event. Archers may shoot more than once in a particular Division per day, but only their top complete round of that day will be officially counted.

IMPORTANT: You may NOT pick and choose the best scores from multiple ends to put together your IKAC score - See the section above marked `Other Important Rules`. Please pay special attention to the additional rules now in effect as stated in the section above. Any score may be questioned by the Keeper, and semblances of impropriety may lead to a score being questioned or discarded. Although all archers are believed to be honorable gentles in the Society, enough issues have happened over time that questions may be raised. It is the responsibility of each archer to hold himself or herself as well as others to the highest standards of our Society.

NOTE: The Keeper encourages each archer to proactively ask questions in cases of misunderstanding or confusion regarding rules or scores. Please feel free to contact the Keeper via email or phone (see the Contact section) if any questions arise.

In setting up and shooting the IKAC, all necessary precautions should be taken to insure the safety of all archers and bystanders. A warranted Marshal must be present at each IKAC shoot (an archer who is a Marshal may submit scores for himself/herself). The name of the Marshal must be submitted along with the score in order for the score to count. Contact information for the Marshal MUST be submitted along with the score, in case there are questions with the submission (see OTHER IMPORTANT RULES section above). This is very important. If you are a Marshal, please be aware of this. Archers are counting on you for their scores to be counted, please assist by providing your contact information.


Upon the judgment of the Marshal in charge of the archery competition, and subject to the rules of each Kingdom and the Society, allowance may be made for various disabilities. For example, visually impaired archers may have someone tell them where their arrows strike the target. Archers in wheelchairs may shoot while seated. Archers unable to cock their crossbows may have someone cock it for them, etc.

`TheThe open Division target is a 60 cm, five color face.


For the Open and Crossbow Divisions scoring is: Gold=5, Red=4, Blue=3, Black=2, White=1. Lines count as the higher score. Arrows passing through, falling out, or bouncing off the target face count as three points.

Scoring is on the honor system: you may count and record your own score.

The winning Kingdom will be determined by averaging the highest scores of the three top-scoring archers for each Kingdom. In the case of a tie, the Kingdom with the narrowest point spread will be declared the winner.

Scores must be postmarked within thirty days of being shot to be counted as official. Scores may be submitted after this date by asking for approval from the Keeper. The final scores must be received in writing by the Keeper no later than December 31st. The results of each competition should be sent as soon as possible after they are shot, so they may be tabulated and each month`s scores sent out to the Kingdom newsletters. The Keeper`s interest is in recording all scores however, so if the deadline passes do not hesitate to submit your scores anyway. The Keeper may contact you to obtain clarification before entering the scores. NOTE: You are highly encouraged to enter all scores using the on-line form. This will allow me to review and post scores within 24-48 hours, as well as make it much easier to enter scores, and to keep track of any issues.

If you submit scores in any fashion other than the on-line form, then the submitted results must include:

Name of event, date, place, Marshal-in Charge`s name and contact information (email or phone - must be archer marshal that officiated the archery shoot), archers` SCA name, archer`s mundane name, archer`s group, archer`s` Kingdom, scores by end, round and total, type of bow e.g. recurve, longbow or crossbow (crossbows should be listed as either modern or period style), and Division. When the Division (Open, Period or Crossbow) is not included the score cannot be counted. For Children and Youth division score, you must include the age (as of 1 Feb) of the archer also.

Information must be typed or printed clearly. You may wish to send a copy of the scores to your Kingdom archery Officer, but that is left to each Kingdom`s discretion. Please check your Kingdom`s rules on this. You should always save a copy of scores submitted for your files, or in case further information is requested (this is very important, if issues arise). Scores may be sent by e-mail to ikac scores-sca org, or by by snail-mail to: Keeper of the IKAC c/o Andre Detommaso, 19108 Valley Overlook Court, Knoxville, MD 21758. Again, you are highly encouraged the on-line submission form, or at least the Excel spreadsheet, both available on the IKAC web site.

NOTE1: If you do NOT use the on-line form, then the contact information for the Archery Marshal that held the shoot must be included with the submission, so that the Keeper may contact him or her in case of future questions. The Marshal must have knowledge of the shoot and of the archers that participated in it. Failure to provide such information may lead to score being rejected, if there are questions raised and the Keeper is unable to obtain enough information to validate the scores. Please see the section labeled IMPORTANT OTHER RULES above.

Note2: The Keeper needs to have the breakdown in score for each round. Scores that do not include this information may be rejected.

Note3: After the Keeper receives the scores, they will be posted on the web site. The Keeper receive several thousand scores during a season, and on occasion mistakes do occur, either by the Keeper or the person(s) submitting the scores. The on-line form removes the possibility of mistakes, which is one more reason why you are very highly encouraged to use it. For other methods of submission, occasionally e-mails are not delivered, and marshals forget to submit scores. Also some Kingdoms centralize their scorekeeping and funnel all submissions through one person, which may also result in delays, sometime substantial. It is your responsibility to make sure that your scores are posted correctly. Because people check each other`s scores, and make decisions on whether to shoot based on the posted scores starting this year the Keeper may choose to enforce a one-month rule on corrections. The Keeper will accept corrections to the scores for only one month after they have been received or shot, although exceptions may be made at the Keeper`s discretion if information is provided. There will be no exceptions after 1 November, however, unless initiated by the Keeper himself. This means the Keeper will typically not accept a notice in December that a score in May is missing. Take an interest, and check the IKAC web site to make sure your score is posted. Please notify the Keeper and/or his Deputy as soon as possible of any problems. Since we are all volunteers in our Society, please keep that in mind and always try to be corteous. Remember that mistakes may not be anyone`s fault, and that everyone, the Keeper most of all, very much wants to ensure that all archers` scores are posted promptly and accurately.

Note4: As of 2003 I no longer need to know if you are using handbow `sights` (ie simple limb markings) or not, although including it in your submission will not cause the score to be rejected or be prejudicial in any way. I also do not need to know the Archer`s SCA membership number, although feel free to include the information if your Kingdom requires it or it makes it easier to submit a score.

Note5: VERY HIGH SCORES: Without question, throughout the years by far the most unpleasant part of being Keeper has been dealing with the flood of emails that very high scores have generated from others.

Having run the competition since 2000, and having tens of thousands of scores in the database, I can pretty much chart the progress of the archers of the SCA at large, and that of any individual archer who has ever shot an IKAC. But lately this matter has become worse, and it is my strongly held belief that the constant doubting of scores is damaging to the competition, because it generates the feeling that not everyone is playing by the same rules. As proof I can offer the many letters that I have received from archers who have written to me saying they are no longer shooting the IKAC for this very reason. Therefore I have addressed this strongly in a variety of ways.

Although I firmly believe in the honor system that is at the heart of most of the SCA`s competitions, clearly something had to be done to strengthen everyone`s belief in the IKAC as an open and level playing field. Therefore, even though going forward most scores are entered on-line, I review each score in detail before I allow them to be posted. I reserve the right to reject any score for any reason. If a score is rejected, I will inform the marshal of the fact and try to get more information regarding individual scores if they are well outside the mean. I would like to accept all scores, but the integrity of the competition will take precedence no matter what. In the end, I personally guarantee to each and every archer in the SCA that everyone in the competition is playing by the same rules, and my guarantee will include personal observation, wherever required. So going forward you can safely assume that if a score is posted, it deserves to be there.



In the Open Handbow Division, recurves and longbows, both period and modern, may compete by the standard SCA Handbow rules. There is no poundage limit. The rounds and general rules are the same for all Divisions.


Both modern and period style crossbows may compete in the Open Crossbow Division. Crossbows may compete only in the crossbow Divisions.

No compound crossbows. Sights are allowed as specified in the SCA rules. Crossbow and bolt must conform to the SCA archery rules. There is no minimum or maximum weight for the prod. Any type of lock mechanism is allowed. The crossbow may be shot from any position. But the crossbow may be held only by the hands, not on sandbags, etc. Slings are not allowed for shooting, but may be used to carry the crossbow.

There is no limit to the number of bolts that may be shot in the speed ends. The target and scoring are the same as in the Open Division.


The main intent of the Period Division is to encourage the use and construction of gear with a more period appearance in our SCA archery. Period style longbows or recurves may still be shot in the Open Division as well.



Wood shafts of any wood, cane or bamboo are allowed. Fletching must be of feathers. Except for crossbows, which may use other materials used in period for bolts, such as parchment, etc. Crossbows may use either period style bolts or cut down wood arrow shafts. Points may be of any style except for broadheads.


Period style recurves and longbows of any material are allowed. Modern style recurves or longbows with full or partial center cut risers are not allowed. There is no weight limit, maximum or minimum. Crossbows will shoot only in the Crossbow Divisions.

Period style bows are defined as: Any style of bow that can be documented as used in pre 1600 archery, from Stone age bows to English longbows. Construction materials should be mainly those that were used in period for the making of that style of bow. Modern materials such as synthetic glues, finishes, fibers (strings) or artificial sinew are allowed as long as their use does not give an unfair advantage in performance over period materials. Fiberglass may be used as a substitute for horn and or sinew in the construction of period style recurve bows such as Arab, Turkish, Mongol, etc., but no modern features such as full or partial center cut handles are allowed. This last is important. Many modern longbows have some center-cut on their handle part (riser in a recurve). If that is the case, the bow is not allowed in the Period division. A protuding shelf resulting from layers of leather on the handle is allowed, however. The bow must have the appearance of a period laminate bow. Composite longbows (of different woods or backed with sinew or rawhide, etc.) are allowed. Bows do not have to conform to the persona of the archer.


Bows made from kits where the archer does the final tillering and finishing count as having made the entire bow. Laminate bows where the archer does the final assembling and tillering count. Crossbows where the archer does the final assembly and tuning count.


Archers may use any period style release appropriate for their bow, but are not required to do so. For example, an archer may use a glove or tab instead of a thumb ring while shooting an Eastern style bow.


Modern string materials are allowed, as well as period materials. Please exercise caution for a period material string.


Non period arrow rests are not allowed. Built in full or partial windows are not allowed. See fuller description above.


Non period nocking points are not allowed.


Placement of sighting marks on bow limbs is not allowed for the Period Division.


`TheThe five color 60 cm. target may be used for the period Division.

The standard five color 60 cm. IKAC target may be used, except that the scoring is different. The scoring is: White through blue = 2 points, red and outer gold = 4 points, inner gold = 8 points. Scores for the Royal Round, Open and Period Divisions may be shot and recorded on the five color face.


`TheThe period Division target is a 60 cm. three color face.

Those archers wishing to shoot a more period looking target are encouraged to make and use the period face. The target is based on the one from the Luttrell Psalter. The target represents a two ring target with a center peg. The peg was used to hold the target to the butt. Splitting the peg or pin was the best shot, so those arrows hitting dead center score highest. The colors are from the inner ring or peg to outer ring: Or, Vert, and Argent. It is scored: Argent=2, Vert=4 and Or=8. Four points are given for a pass through or bounce off.

The target face is equal in size to the current five ring, 60 cm. target now in use for the IKAC. The target may be made by hand by using a compass. The diameters of the rings are 6 cm., 24 cm. and 60 cm. The black line between the rings may be no wider than 2 mm. Yellow may be substituted for the gold and white for the silver. The vert should be a dark green. The back side of a 60 cm., five color target may be used by carefully tracing the rings.


The general rules are the same as for the Open Handbow Division.


Only period style crossbows may compete in this Division. Crossbows may compete only in the crossbow Divisions.

To be counted as a period style crossbow all the following conditions must be met: 1) The stock must be made of wood. 2) It may not have a rifle-style butt. 3) It may not have a modern style lock (period forms of self-resetting mechanisms are fine, however) or a trigger. 4) It may not have sights.

The prod may be of any material and there is no minimum or maximum weight for the prod. The locking and release mechanism may be of any material. The string may be of any material. Please exercise caution with strings made of period material.

Bolts may be of any wood and are to be fletched with feathers, parchment or other period materials. There may be from two to four fletches. Nocks shall be self or reinforced (no plastic nocks).

The crossbow may be shot from any position. But the crossbow may be held only by the hands, not on a sandbag, etc. Slings are not allowed for shooting, but may be used to carry the crossbow.

The target and scoring are the same as in the Period Division. There is no limit to the number arrows in the speed ends.



The deputy in charge of the Youth Divisions is Osmond de Berwic. Osmond can be reached at ikac_youth
scores-sca org

The Children division is meant for kids 10 and under.

The Youth division is meant for kids 13 and under.

The Yeoman division is meant for kids 15 and under.

In all of the Youth Divisions, recording the age (as of 1 Feb) of the child is mandatory. The on-line form and printed form are modified accordingly. Scores without age (as of 1 Feb) will be rejected.

In all of the Youth Divisions, the age of the child as of 1 February is the age of record for this year`s competition. However the spirit of the rules is that kids should shoot in the division that challenges them most, and marshals are strongly encouraged to facilitate this. Therefore, if a child who is 10 on 1 February turns 11 during the year, the child can continue to shoot in the Children division. This also applies to the Youth division, if a child who is 13 on 1 February turns 14 during the season can continue to shoot in the Youth division. This also applies to the Yeoman division, if a child who is 15 on 1 February turns 16 during the season can continue to shoot in the Youth division.

Note that shooting in multiple divisions is against the rules for the Youth Divisions ( up to 15 years of age). If a kid is interested in moving up from the Children to the Youth division, from the Youth to the Yeomen, or from the Yeoman to the Adult (something we very strongly encourage, as it is always in the interest of the archer to test themselves against harder competition) send a notification to the Keeper or his Deputy for Youth Archery, so that we can adjust the scores accordingly. Without such notification, if a child archer has scores in multiple divisions, it will be up to the Deputy to make a determination in each archer`s case, based on the scores submitted. In general the guidelines are at that the age (as of 1 Feb) of the child at the beginning of the season will be given deference, but if the child for example shows that they can comfortably shoot at the level of Youth, Yeoman, or Adult, then the Deputy and the Keeper will review the scores and make a determination on which division should be the one that counts for the season, with the other scores being rejected. Please note that in all such cases the emphasis is on figuring out the actual aptitude of the child based on their scores, and the amount of details in the scores (partial results for example) as well as past scores typically give us a pretty good idea where a particular archer should compete. But we do recommend that marshals be cognizant of this issue, and take the initiative to contact the Deputy or the Keeper in case of children who have shot in multiple divisions. Finally, please note that the Deputy may accept scores for a child in a particular division for this season, but based on the child`s performance may ask that the child be moved to the next more challenging division in the coming season, the emphasis again being on placing the child in the division that poses the most appropriate challenge for their skills.

The Youth Divisions are meant ONLY to help children get interested and started in archery and put in the time to start developing their skills. As specifically mentioned in the rules, children who already shoot at the level of adults should be shooting in the Adult divisions. Children who may be younger than 11 but are able to reach 30 yards should be encouraged to shoot in the Youth division. Youth who may be younger than 14 but are able to reach 40 yards should be encouraged to shoot in the Yeoman division. This is not a competition where a very accomplished archer can get yet another medal, but a competition meant to get kids started in archery and interested in the sport. This is the spirit of this competition, and I ask each marshal`s assistance in understanding and meeting the spirit of the competition. In the interest of the competition, I will be enforcing this last point.

Scores for the Children and Youth divisions will be limited to 200 or below (higher scores will be rejected). Also, I don`t want to get multiple scores that all hover around 200, or scores that clearly show the archer came very close to 200 and stopped to stay right at the limit. I ask you to please respect the spirit of the competition and understand that the goal of the competition is strictly to get kids get started and develop. Please assist Osmond and I avoid unfortunate situations. Those scores will be rejected. I thank you in advance for your assistance on this.


The children`s Division is open to all children age 10 and under (as of 1 Feb). However, children that shoot with adult-sized bows or crossbows should be shooting in the Youth, Yeoman or Adult Divisions. Children that shoot in the other divisions may not shoot in the Children`s Division. Participants in the Children`s Division may shoot with either bows or crossbows. The age (as of 1 Feb) of the Child must be specified when sending in a score report. The target used in the Children`s Division is the same as the Open Handbow or Crossbow target. The rules are the same as in the Open Division, except that the distances are 10 yards, 15 yards and 20 yards (instead of 20,30 and 40). Note that medallions will be awarded in the same way as the other divisions, i.e. the average of the top three children in each Kingdom will be counted for score. However, I would be interested in finding a way to give something to each child that participates. If you have any ideas on what would be good rewards for children, please contact me.

IMPORTANT NOTE: no scores above 200 will be accepted in the Children division. If a score is submitted for more than 200 in the Child division, it will be rejected.

Please also note that the Deputy or the Keeper may accept a score for this season, but may ask that the archer be moved to the Youth division in the next season, based on their performance and demonstrated ability at the shorter distance. In general, the Deputy will keep very close tabs on each archer, and will assist the marshals in shepherding the archers to the more appropriate division when it has been shown that they are no longer challenged by their current distances, even if they technically still qualify for the Children division.


The Youth Division is open to all children age 13 and under (as of 1 Feb). However, I would like to encourage marshals to have older children shoot in the Yeoman or Adult division if they shoot with adult-sized bows or crossbows and obtain good scores with these weapons, or if they can reach 40 yards regularly. Children that shoot in the other divisions may not shoot in the Youth Division. Participants in the Youth Division may shoot with either bows or crossbows. The age (as of 1 Feb) of the Youth should be specified when sending in a score report. The rules are the same as in the Open Division, except that the distances are 10 yards, 20 yards and 30 yards (instead of 20,30 and 40). The rules are the same as in the Open Division. Note that medallions will be awarded in the same way as the other divisions, i.e. the average of the top three children in each Kingdom will be counted for score.

IMPORTANT NOTE: no scores above 200 will be accepted in the Youth division. If a score is submitted for more than 200 in the Youth division, it will be rejected.

Please also note that the Deputy or the Keeper may accept a score for this season, but may ask that the archer be moved to the Yeoman divisions in the next season, based on their performance and demonstrated ability at the shorter distance. In general, the Deputy will keep very close tabs on each archer, and will assist the marshals in shepherding the younger archers to the more appropriate division when it has been shown that they are no longer challenged by their current distances, even if they technically still qualify for the Youth division.


The Yeoman Division is open to all children age 15 and under (as of 1 Feb). However, I would like to encourage marshals to have older children shoot in the Adult division if they shoot with adult-sized bows or crossbows and obtain good scores with these weapons. Children that shoot in the other divisions may not shoot in the Yeoman Division. Participants in the Yeoman Division may shoot with either bows or crossbows. The age (as of 1 Feb) of the Yeoman should be specified when sending in a score report. The rules are the same as in the Open Division, they even shoot the same distances of 20, 30, and 40 yards. The rules are the same as in the Open Division. Note that medallions will be awarded in the same way as the other divisions, i.e. the average of the top three children in each Kingdom will be counted for score.

IMPORTANT NOTE: no scores above 200 will be accepted in the Yeoman division. If a score is submitted for more than 200 in the Yeoman division, it will be rejected.

Please also note that the Deputy or the Keeper may accept a score for this season, but may ask that the archer be moved to the Adult divisions in the next season, based on their performance and demonstrated ability at the longer distance. In general, the Deputy will keep very close tabs on each archer, and will assist the marshals in shepherding the younger archers to the more appropriate division when it has been shown that they are no longer challenged by their current distances, even if they technically still qualify for the Yeoman division.

For more information, contact the Keeper of the IKAC:

Lorenzo il Confuso

c/o Andre Detommaso

19108 Valley Overlook Court

Knoxville, MD 21758

E-mail: ikac scores-sca org

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know

  Name Group Weapon Score GAT
1 Mika Longbow Unser Hafen Crossbow 352.00 100.00
2 Valgard av Mors Sudentorre Crossbow 337.00 94.79
3 Gregge the Archer Roxbury Mill Crossbow 320.00 88.88
4 David of Tiriane Lions Gate Crossbow 316.00 87.49
5 Samuel ap Dewi Northkeep Crossbow 308.00 84.72
6 Jonathas Reinisch Dun Carraig Crossbow 301.00 82.28
7 Brandubh ODonnghaile Scarlet Guard Crossbow 289.00 78.12
8 Milhim Ibn Rashid Brox Scarlet Guard Crossbow 289.00 78.12
9 Esperanza Susanna Flecha Sudentorre Crossbow 282.00 75.68
10 Karl von Konigsberg Dun Carraig Crossbow 278.00 74.29
11 Cian Rhys Gravenor Namron Crossbow 273.00 72.56
12 Bran Padriag of Antrim Twin Moons Crossbow 259.00 67.69
13 Urho Waltterinen Scarlet Guard Crossbow 256.00 66.65
14 Ingvarr Halvarson Caerthe Crossbow 256.00 66.65
15 Kenneth of Shaftesbury Lions Gate Crossbow 232.00 58.32
16 Karl Thorgeirsson Northkeep Crossbow 225.00 55.88
18 Erik Erikson the Scout Havenholde Crossbow 221.00 54.49
17 John de Percy Wyewood Crossbow 221.00 54.49
19 Daffyd of Emmett Caerthe Crossbow 218.00 53.45
21 Denys the Decadent Scarlet Guard Crossbow 206.00 49.28
20 Tymme Lytefelow Wyewood Crossbow 206.00 49.28
22 Tyrfingr von Wolfsberg Hawk`s Hollow Crossbow 194.00 45.12
23 Johan of Hawksley Twin Moons Crossbow 191.00 44.07
24 Halvar Half-Hand Hawk`s Hollow Crossbow 185.00 41.99
25 Deletha of Anandyrdale Twin Moons Crossbow 168.00 36.08
26 Braith of Northkeep Northkeep Crossbow 150.00 29.83
27 Ivarr Haukr Sun Dragon Crossbow 124.00 20.80
29 Solveig Throndardottir Delftwood Crossbow 93.00 10.03
28 Jorundr hinn rotinn Marche of the Debatable Lands Crossbow 93.00 10.03
30 Wiglaf Sigeberhting Sudentorre Crossbow 93.00 10.03
31 Jasper Sudentorre Crossbow 73.00 3.08
32 Laurence of Namron Namron Crossbow 67.00 1.00
  Name Group Weapon Score GAT
1 Samuel ap Dewi Northkeep Handbow 324.00 100.00
2 Balinor Bordergate Handbow 298.00 91.98
3 Ronan MacMorton Thor`s Mountain Handbow 296.00 91.36
4 Daffyd de Doake Wyewood Handbow 286.00 88.28
5 Rupert the Unbalanced Tri Os Handbow 271.00 83.65
6 David of Tiriane Lions Gate Handbow 264.00 81.50
8 Tristan de Ver Wyewood Handbow 263.00 81.19
7 Gawin of Kevelioc Three Mountains Handbow 263.00 81.19
9 Jochi Batu An Crosaire Handbow 257.00 79.34
10 Petrus Rufus Towers Handbow 253.00 78.10
11 Timothy of Shaftesbury Roxbury Mill Handbow 247.00 76.25
12 Erika Bjornsdottir An Crosaire Handbow 244.00 75.33
13 Brandubh ODonnghaile Scarlet Guard Handbow 239.00 73.79
14 Seamus McRay Bright Hills Handbow 236.00 72.86
15 William Cristofore of Devonshire Adiantum Handbow 236.00 72.86
16 Guenhwyvar An Crosaire Handbow 234.00 72.24
17 Fen of Needwood Forest Roxbury Mill Handbow 233.00 71.93
18 Æsa bogsveigir An Crosaire Handbow 233.00 71.93
19 Valgard av Mors Sudentorre Handbow 230.00 71.01
20 Kenneth of Shaftesbury Lions Gate Handbow 230.00 71.01
21 Sigmund Spelmann Politarchopolis Handbow 228.00 70.39
22 Johan of Hawksley Twin Moons Handbow 223.00 68.85
23 Geoffrey of Needwood Storvik Handbow 221.00 68.23
24 William Hawke Caerthe Handbow 220.00 67.93
25 Lorelei Greenleafe Sacred Stone Handbow 219.00 67.62
26 Eleanora Stewart Carolingia Handbow 217.00 67.00
27 Janyn Fletcher Bright Hills Handbow 216.00 66.69
28 Francisco di Grazzi Loch Salann Handbow 213.00 65.77
29 Alaricus Simmonds Dragon`s Laire Handbow 210.00 64.84
30 Gareth Haydon Lions Gate Handbow 209.00 64.53
31 Jacopo di Niccolo Scarlet Guard Handbow 208.00 64.22
32 Darius Freeman Southron Gaard Handbow 207.00 63.92
33 Evrard de Valogne Wyewood Handbow 205.00 63.30
34 Gregge the Archer Roxbury Mill Handbow 202.00 62.37
35 Wolfgang Bieneman vom Swartzwald Hawk`s Hollow Handbow 200.00 61.76
36 Seamus Rogan Delftwood Handbow 199.00 61.45
37 Seki Tora Sun Dragon Handbow 197.00 60.83
38 Colum Maxwell Stierbach Handbow 196.00 60.52
39 Arion the Wanderer Dragon`s Laire Handbow 195.00 60.21
40 Enequy Erensaurlezasgarria Menditarra Isenfir Handbow 194.00 59.91
41 Olaf Asmundson Loch Salann Handbow 192.00 59.29
42 Ulric of Ambledune Politarchopolis Handbow 190.00 58.67
43 Cian Rhys Gravenor Namron Handbow 189.00 58.36
44 Madog Llwyd ap Madog Stegby Handbow 189.00 58.36
45 Ulfr Fra Jorvik Dragons Bay Handbow 189.00 58.36
46 Kashawn Dragon`s Laire Handbow 188.00 58.06
47 Elsbeth de Shropshire Blatha An Oir Handbow 186.00 57.44
48 Aiden of Bright Hills Bright Hills Handbow 185.00 57.13
49 Catyln O` Sullivan Twin Moons Handbow 183.00 56.51
50 Catherine de Arc Aachenfeld Handbow 181.00 55.90
51 Dona verch Dewi Northkeep Handbow 180.00 55.59
52 Konrad Reinhard Oldenfeld Handbow 178.00 54.97
53 Wulfwyn Ethelwulfesdohtor Wyewood Handbow 176.00 54.36
54 Ronan mac Briain Southron Gaard Handbow 175.00 54.05
55 Vincenzo Del`Aquila Loch Salann Handbow 175.00 54.05
56 Richard of Carolingia Carolingia Handbow 174.00 53.74
58 Godai Katsunaga Bright Hills Handbow 173.00 53.43
57 Alaxandar mac Donnaidh Tir Ysgithr Handbow 173.00 53.43
61 Allen of Wolfhou Sudentorre Handbow 172.00 53.12
62 Ray ap Dewi Northkeep Handbow 172.00 53.12
59 Ghijskjin Van den Vaerst Stierbach Handbow 172.00 53.12
60 Octavio de Flores Oldenfeld Handbow 172.00 53.12
64 Alaric MacConnal Marche of the Debatable Lands Handbow 171.00 52.81
63 Cristiana Hunter Amurgorod Handbow 171.00 52.81
65 Gervais Blakglove Wyewood Handbow 170.00 52.50
66 Daffyd ap y Kynith Axemoor Handbow 169.00 52.20
67 Louisa of Carolingia Carolingia Handbow 167.00 51.58
69 Tomas MacDonnchaidh Wyewood Handbow 166.00 51.27
68 Loegaire (Loric) mac Lochlainn Phoenix Rising Handbow 166.00 51.27
70 Sebhdann ingen Cinaedha Wyewood Handbow 164.00 50.65
71 Mika Longbow Unser Hafen Handbow 162.00 50.04
73 Alessandro von Florenz Politarchopolis Handbow 161.00 49.73
74 Sigmund Olafson Loch Salann Handbow 161.00 49.73
72 Mihalfy Miklos Thor`s Mountain Handbow 161.00 49.73
75 Tim Barfoot Crois Brigte Handbow 159.00 49.11
76 Ricard Tanner Highland Foorde Handbow 158.00 48.80
77 Michael Gladwyne Delftwood Handbow 156.00 48.19
78 Edward Harbinger / William Boge Walker Scarlet Guard Handbow 154.00 47.57
79 Ismenia Wystan Madrone Handbow 154.00 47.57
81 Cairell Mac Cormaic Bright Hills Handbow 153.00 47.26
80 Beatrice de Bourgogne Westermark Handbow 153.00 47.26
83 Karin Taylor de Cameron Stierbach Handbow 150.00 46.34
82 Caeden Bowen Oldenfeld Handbow 150.00 46.34
84 Neil Gray Axemoor Handbow 149.00 46.03
86 Tymme Lytefelow Wyewood Handbow 147.00 45.41
85 Jean-Pierre de Sabre Politarchopolis Handbow 147.00 45.41
88 Mark of Whitecastle Wyewood Handbow 146.00 45.10
87 ((William Bingochen)) Sun Dragon Handbow 146.00 45.10
89 Thomas Brant of Salem Crois Brigte Handbow 144.00 44.49
91 Saethryth Seolforlocc Adiantum Handbow 143.00 44.18
90 Sanada Terasu Sudentorre Handbow 143.00 44.18
92 Eric Morrison Hawk`s Hollow Handbow 142.00 43.87
95 Conyan McClaire Blatha An Oir Handbow 138.00 42.64
94 Robert of Polit Politarchopolis Handbow 138.00 42.64
93 Egil Haraldsson Axemoor Handbow 138.00 42.64
98 Braennan the Misguided Oldenfeld Handbow 137.00 42.33
96 Brian of Cardiff Dragon`s Laire Handbow 137.00 42.33
97 Edward Fuchyn Twin Moons Handbow 137.00 42.33
99 Olyeg Vasilyev Dragoun`s Weal Handbow 135.00 41.71
100 Raynald Greygoose Dragons Bay Handbow 134.00 41.40
101 Jerome the True Atenveldt Handbow 134.00 41.40
102 Richard D`allier Southron Gaard Handbow 134.00 41.40
106 Deryk Archer Scarlet Guard Handbow 133.00 41.09
103 Juliana Strangewayes Trysel Handbow 133.00 41.09
105 Alec Craig Towers Handbow 133.00 41.09
104 Chernislava Alekseeva Mynydd Seren Handbow 133.00 41.09
108 Sanada Katsumi Sudentorre Handbow 132.00 40.79
107 Yrsa Loch Salann Handbow 132.00 40.79
112 Aurelio di Baldasare Delftwood Handbow 131.00 40.48
111 Raina Lavrentiiovna Doch Loch Salann Handbow 131.00 40.48
110 Oonaugh inghean Glaisne Loch Salann Handbow 131.00 40.48
109 Alfred of Mo Sun Dragon Handbow 131.00 40.48
113 Le Roi of Arn Hold Arn Hold Handbow 130.00 40.17
115 Aedan Mac Neill Atenveldt Handbow 128.00 39.55
114 Ryryd ap Gwerstan Loch Salann Handbow 128.00 39.55
116 Cameron de Grey Storvik Handbow 127.00 39.24
119 Tigernach mac Cathail Endless Hills Handbow 126.00 38.93
118 Cera ingen Ronain Caer Galen Handbow 126.00 38.93
117 Eorann O`Connor Dragonsspine Handbow 126.00 38.93
122 Arnóra Ulfsdotter Wolfscairn Handbow 125.00 38.63
120 Stephan Grimm Stierbach Handbow 125.00 38.63
121 Brokha Veis Loch Salann Handbow 125.00 38.63
124 Terence Of Radburne Rowany Handbow 123.00 38.01
125 Servillo Caerthe Handbow 123.00 38.01
123 Douglas Sutherland Loch Salann Handbow 123.00 38.01
128 Mikel of Perth Sun Dragon Handbow 122.00 37.70
127 Gustav Hansen Loch Salann Handbow 122.00 37.70
126 Dveldenfehr Loch Salann Handbow 122.00 37.70
129 Seamish McPike Loch Salann Handbow 121.00 37.39
130 Dietrich Saphir zum Drache Stierbach Handbow 121.00 37.39
132 Vincenzo Antonio Maria Paci Twin Moons Handbow 120.00 37.08
131 Ricciadoli Twin Moons Handbow 120.00 37.08
134 John Redbeard Towers Handbow 120.00 37.08
133 Ronan MacHugh de Gerin Tir Ysgithr Handbow 120.00 37.08
137 Barre fitzRobert of York Bright Hills Handbow 119.00 36.78
136 Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov Oldenfeld Handbow 119.00 36.78
135 ((Sabrina Bingochen)) Sun Dragon Handbow 119.00 36.78
138 Emma la rousse d`Argentan Madrone Handbow 118.00 36.47
139 Roslyn the Forgetful Twin Moons Handbow 117.00 36.16
140 Edmund Kerr St Basil the Great Handbow 116.00 35.85
141 Zarjah Lynd Glymm Mere Handbow 116.00 35.85
142 Johanna Trewpeny Adiantum Handbow 115.00 35.54
143 Ronan Suipeal Caerthe Handbow 114.00 35.23
146 Myvanwy of Ambledune Politarchopolis Handbow 114.00 35.23
145 Pól ó Briain Glen Rathlin Handbow 114.00 35.23
144 Ranif Pallesser Rowany Handbow 114.00 35.23
148 Gwenhwyvar Ywein Roxbury Mill Handbow 113.00 34.93
147 Alianore de Essewell Abertridwr Handbow 113.00 34.93
149 William Jakes Adiantum Handbow 113.00 34.93
150 Brandon An Crosaire Handbow 112.00 34.62
151 William Petheram Caerthe Handbow 112.00 34.62
152 Dagfinnr Jarnuaga Bright Hills Handbow 111.00 34.31
155 Ulfr Smidr Stegby Handbow 111.00 34.31
154 ((Hollis M Turnage II)) Seleone Handbow 111.00 34.31
153 Meical ap Gwaredd Loch Salann Handbow 111.00 34.31
156 Robert Runewald Lochmere Handbow 110.00 34.00
158 Arianna of Wynthrope Marche of the Debatable Lands Handbow 110.00 34.00
157 Genevieve of Carolingia Towers Handbow 110.00 34.00
159 Emm Swan Atenveldt Handbow 109.00 33.69
160 Mairi Ceilidh Oldenfeld Handbow 109.00 33.69
161 Aingeal Inghean Garaidh Loch Salann Handbow 108.00 33.38
162 Jaqueline Lefleur Lions Gate Handbow 107.00 33.07
163 Casamira Jawjalny Loch Salann Handbow 106.00 32.77
165 Connall O`Doibhilin Loch Salann Handbow 104.00 32.15
164 Livia Agrimalli Caer Galen Handbow 104.00 32.15
167 John de Percy Wyewood Handbow 103.00 31.84
166 Niall Wyewood Handbow 103.00 31.84
169 Connor Mac Laine Oldenfeld Handbow 103.00 31.84
168 Lonnan Cleftlands Handbow 103.00 31.84
170 Aindreas Mac Ghille Fhionntaigh Mountain Confederation Handbow 102.00 31.53
172 Peter D`Gaunt Noir Dragons Bay Handbow 101.00 31.22
171 Thomas of Salisbury Dragon`s Laire Handbow 101.00 31.22
173 Coileach Oldenfeld Handbow 100.00 30.92
174 Renonys de la Fueille Aneala Handbow 98.00 30.30
175 Lasko Oldenfeld Handbow 97.00 29.99
176 ((Kyle LaRiviere)) Sun Dragon Handbow 96.00 29.68
179 Martelle Von Charlottenburg Marinus Handbow 95.00 29.37
177 Nichola Blackwell Bright Hills Handbow 95.00 29.37
178 Seamus McKirk Loch Salann Handbow 95.00 29.37
181 Esperanza Susanna Flecha Sudentorre Handbow 94.00 29.07
180 Yusuf Blatha An Oir Handbow 94.00 29.07
182 Somerled of Ballindore Borealis Handbow 93.00 28.76
183 Celestria Ashwood Aneala Handbow 93.00 28.76
184 Alamanda de Claret Wyewood Handbow 92.00 28.45
185 Lucas McKinnon An Crosaire Handbow 92.00 28.45
187 Tangwystl Angharad verch Rhys Caerthe Handbow 91.00 28.14
186 Saige verch Laurens Loch Salann Handbow 91.00 28.14
188 Wulfric von Schwarzwald Dragons Bay Handbow 91.00 28.14
189 Altani Batu An Crosaire Handbow 90.00 27.83
194 Elynor Palmer Caldarium Handbow 90.00 27.83
193 James Dawysoon Twin Moons Handbow 90.00 27.83
190 Dunkr Ormstunga Loch Salann Handbow 90.00 27.83
192 Hamish MacKeller Loch Salann Handbow 90.00 27.83
191 Kuroshimo, Masamune Adiantum Handbow 90.00 27.83
195 Hrothgar Breaksword River Haven Handbow 89.00 27.52
196 Rob of House Darksun Aachenfeld Handbow 89.00 27.52
197 Ulfarr Refskegg Sudentorre Handbow 88.00 27.21
198 Michael di Giarre Westermark Handbow 87.00 26.91
199 Eirwen Twin Moons Handbow 87.00 26.91
200 ((Patrick Ducey)) Mynydd Seren Handbow 87.00 26.91
201 Cealleach Colquhoon Sun Dragon Handbow 86.00 26.60
202 Nathan of Dragon`s Bay Dragons Bay Handbow 85.00 26.29
205 Birgitte Andersdottir Trysel Handbow 84.00 25.98
206 Robin of Deer Run Carolingia Handbow 84.00 25.98
204 Slaine Inghean Kinnon An Crosaire Handbow 84.00 25.98
203 Aurelia Cassia Pelagia Oldenfeld Handbow 84.00 25.98
207 Lochlainn mac Dubhghlas Borealis Handbow 83.00 25.67
208 Raffaelle de Mallorca Twin Moons Handbow 83.00 25.67
211 Conrad Sturmere Rowany Handbow 82.00 25.36
212 Wesley of Aachenfeld Aachenfeld Handbow 82.00 25.36
210 Simon Bordergate Handbow 82.00 25.36
209 James the Unhinged Wolfscairn Handbow 82.00 25.36
213 ((Christopher Cummins)) Seleone Handbow 82.00 25.36
215 Martin Lewis Hunter`s Home Handbow 81.00 25.06
214 Armagaerdj of Roxbury Mill Roxbury Mill Handbow 81.00 25.06
217 Luigi Weaverson Bacchus Wood Handbow 80.00 24.75
216 Paidin McLorkin Politarchopolis Handbow 80.00 24.75
218 Alime bint Yorgi Marche of the Debatable Lands Handbow 79.00 24.44
219 Oswin the Forgetful Sudentorre Handbow 79.00 24.44
221 Audry Brant of Salem Crois Brigte Handbow 78.00 24.13
220 Ragnar av Ravensholde Dragons Bay Handbow 78.00 24.13
222 Guilliame de Saint Etienne Thor`s Mountain Handbow 77.00 23.82
224 Shauna Loch Salann Handbow 77.00 23.82
223 Osric of Lindisfarne Dragons Bay Handbow 77.00 23.82
228 Everade Politarchopolis Handbow 76.00 23.51
226 Bryn Ab Alun Towers Handbow 76.00 23.51
227 Merewyn of Edington Atenveldt Handbow 76.00 23.51
225 Konrad Hildebrandt Aneala Handbow 76.00 23.51
231 Ro-Bear Borealis Handbow 75.00 23.21
229 Perwyr verch Owen Arrow`s Flight Handbow 75.00 23.21
230 ((Doug Simpson)) Borealis Handbow 75.00 23.21
232 Alrick Von Baeker Oldenfeld Handbow 73.00 22.59
234 Ysemae Whitewood of Blackwood Politarchopolis Handbow 72.00 22.28
233 Lars Davske Blatha An Oir Handbow 72.00 22.28
235 Colette Maginot Wiesenfeuer Handbow 71.00 21.97
237 Melissa of Whitecastle Wyewood Handbow 71.00 21.97
236 Torvald Bjornsson Roxbury Mill Handbow 71.00 21.97
238 Jess of Polit Politarchopolis Handbow 71.00 21.97
242 Anne of Gyllingeham Aneala Handbow 70.00 21.66
239 Petronilla Fairwif of Harsford Dragons Bay Handbow 70.00 21.66
240 Morgance of the Seawitch Dragons Bay Handbow 70.00 21.66
241 ((Kyle Brandt)) Wyvernwoode Handbow 70.00 21.66
246 Svala Thorfinnsdottir Thor`s Mountain Handbow 69.00 21.36
244 Aeveril of Ambledune Politarchopolis Handbow 69.00 21.36
245 Olaf Rufhammer Sun Dragon Handbow 69.00 21.36
243 Theodur Nant-Y-Derwyddon Handbow 69.00 21.36
248 Branwen verch Meical Loch Salann Handbow 68.00 21.05
247 Edeline Atenveldt Handbow 68.00 21.05
249 Osrec Daedeling Adora Handbow 68.00 21.05
250 Simon Maurus Oldenfeld Handbow 67.00 20.74
252 Faelan of Tirowen An Crosaire Handbow 65.00 20.12
251 Gwydion of Arden Delftwood Handbow 65.00 20.12
254 Brenna of Storvik Storvik Handbow 64.00 19.81
255 Ragnar An Crosaire Handbow 64.00 19.81
253 Adaire of Donegal Dragons Bay Handbow 64.00 19.81
256 Cernac the Celt Dun in Mara Handbow 64.00 19.81
257 ((Matt Sponsler)) Oldenfeld Handbow 64.00 19.81
258 Sigrid the Generous Sun Dragon Handbow 63.00 19.50
261 Katarina Krista Oldenfeld Handbow 63.00 19.50
259 Aliena verte Davies Caerthe Handbow 63.00 19.50
260 Asbjorn Gudevardr Dragoun`s Weal Handbow 63.00 19.50
262 Livia Agrimalli Caer Galen Handbow 62.00 19.20
263 Pax Faber de Milano St Basil the Great Handbow 60.00 18.58
264 Darcy St Jack Dragons Bay Handbow 60.00 18.58
265 Katrijn van Delden Rowany Handbow 59.00 18.27
266 Ashley of polit Politarchopolis Handbow 58.00 17.96
268 Branwen of Werchesvorde Aneala Handbow 57.00 17.65
271 Alexander Fontaine Politarchopolis Handbow 57.00 17.65
269 Bella Oldenfeld Handbow 57.00 17.65
270 Kari of Towers Towers Handbow 57.00 17.65
267 Norman of Eoforwic Aquaterra Handbow 57.00 17.65
272 Ismena Gamel St Florian de la Riviere Handbow 56.00 17.35
276 Chabi An Crosaire Handbow 56.00 17.35
274 Kevin Sorok Adiantum Handbow 56.00 17.35
275 Aelin Arn Hold Handbow 56.00 17.35
273 Alditha de la Tye Caerthe Handbow 56.00 17.35
279 Valdemar Sigurdson Rowany Handbow 55.00 17.04
277 Sorcha inghean ui Cheallaigh Aachenfeld Handbow 55.00 17.04
278 Wanda Ostojowna Bright Hills Handbow 55.00 17.04
282 Ginevra Lucia Di Namoraza Politarchopolis Handbow 54.00 16.73
281 Cyeth de Westcote Adiantum Handbow 54.00 16.73
280 Robin the Scarlett of Ambledune Politarchopolis Handbow 54.00 16.73
285 Helen Hartshorne Abertridwr Handbow 53.00 16.42
287 Oeyen van Rumbeke Oldenfeld Handbow 53.00 16.42
283 Agostino Tamburri Aneala Handbow 53.00 16.42
284 Bronwyn Hildebrandt Abertridwr Handbow 53.00 16.42
286 Eberhart Von Dornberg Thor`s Mountain Handbow 53.00 16.42
288 Helouys Le Poer Politarchopolis Handbow 52.00 16.11
289 Katarine Niclaus Oldenfeld Handbow 52.00 16.11
290 ((Jacob Gempel)) Grey Niche Handbow 52.00 16.11
291 Perrine du Coeur Joyeux Oldenfeld Handbow 51.00 15.80
292 Genevieve the Wanderer St Florian de la Riviere Handbow 50.00 15.50
293 Matt of Roxbury Mill Roxbury Mill Handbow 50.00 15.50
296 William Montrose Aachenfeld Handbow 49.00 15.19
294 Alex du mont Fleur Dragons Bay Handbow 49.00 15.19
295 Emma of Netley Politarchopolis Handbow 49.00 15.19
297 Serena D`Honneur Stegby Handbow 48.00 14.88
298 Braya of the Wood Oldenfeld Handbow 48.00 14.88
299 Elizabeth Rowe Aneala Handbow 48.00 14.88
300 Danieru Tako Rowany Handbow 47.00 14.57
301 Maeve Montgomery-Scott Abertridwr Handbow 46.00 14.26
303 Wei Ming Cheng St Florian de la Riviere Handbow 45.00 13.95
302 ((Kris Sherrod)) Oldenfeld Handbow 45.00 13.95
304 Killian of Limerick Borealis Handbow 45.00 13.95
305 Nesta verch Wyn St Florian de la Riviere Handbow 44.00 13.64
306 Jehanne Darc de la Coste Seleone Handbow 44.00 13.64
307 Amanda of Polit Politarchopolis Handbow 44.00 13.64
308 Valter the Brave Oldenfeld Handbow 43.00 13.34
309 Gilbere Dun in Mara Handbow 43.00 13.34
310 Robert Johnson Nant-Y-Derwyddon Handbow 43.00 13.34
311 Heleuys Darton Handbow 41.00 12.72
312 Ragnhildr Freysteinndotter Politarchopolis Handbow 41.00 12.72
313 Nathair Adiantum Handbow 39.00 12.10
316 Margaurite Arrow`s Flight Handbow 39.00 12.10
314 Sajah al ish Shirazyyah Loch Salann Handbow 39.00 12.10
315 Letitia Gardner Politarchopolis Handbow 39.00 12.10
317 Sophia Twin Moons Handbow 38.00 11.79
318 Tsura the Elder Bright Hills Handbow 38.00 11.79
319 JJ of Carolingia Carolingia Handbow 37.00 11.49
320 Tristan di Lupo Sacred Stone Handbow 36.00 11.18
321 Stella Da Lodi Middlegate Handbow 36.00 11.18
322 Marie Le Mains Oldenfeld Handbow 36.00 11.18
323 Ingeborg i Trondheimi Bright Hills Handbow 35.00 10.87
324 Kilic ibn Sungur ibn al-Kazganci al-Turhani Dragons Bay Handbow 35.00 10.87
325 Alanna Galliwoode St Basil the Great Handbow 34.00 10.56
326 Gilmpert of Ambledune Politarchopolis Handbow 33.00 10.25
327 Katilean verch Meical Loch Salann Handbow 32.00 9.94
329 ((Stephanie Bingochen)) Sun Dragon Handbow 32.00 9.94
328 Alessandra de Florenza Aneala Handbow 32.00 9.94
330 Kathleen O`Dubhghaill Borderscros Handbow 31.00 9.64
331 Seamus Nua St Basil the Great Handbow 30.00 9.33
332 Eowyn de Wever Seleone Handbow 28.00 8.71
333 Stephen of Ticehurst Politarchopolis Handbow 28.00 8.71
335 Rosamond de Montfort Dragons Bay Handbow 27.00 8.40
334 JohnPaul Lawson Madrone Handbow 27.00 8.40
337 Madeleine of Politarchopolis Politarchopolis Handbow 26.00 8.09
336 Denna Dragons Bay Handbow 26.00 8.09
339 ((Ashley Rone)) An Crosaire Handbow 25.00 7.79
338 Livia di Samuele Bright Hills Handbow 25.00 7.79
340 Grace of Mordenvale Mordenvale Handbow 24.00 7.48
341 Cenewulf An Crosaire Handbow 24.00 7.48
343 Linyeve de Everley Sea March Handbow 23.00 7.17
342 Siobhan ingen Mael-Duin Adiantum Handbow 23.00 7.17
344 Stephen Dun in Mara Handbow 22.00 6.86
345 Cara di Lupo Aachenfeld Handbow 21.00 6.55
346 Donough Eplaheimr Handbow 21.00 6.55
349 ((Jon Scott)) Oldenfeld Handbow 20.00 6.24
350 Taddi of Eplaheimr Eplaheimr Handbow 20.00 6.24
348 Jersey Adiantum Handbow 20.00 6.24
347 Warin Freeman Nant-Y-Derwyddon Handbow 20.00 6.24
354 Gillian Attwood Aachenfeld Handbow 19.00 5.93
352 Christian ap Meical Loch Salann Handbow 19.00 5.93
355 Ylva Dun in Mara Handbow 19.00 5.93
353 ((Julie Rone)) An Crosaire Handbow 19.00 5.93
351 ((Autumn Bjugstad)) Caerthe Handbow 19.00 5.93
356 Birgitte Longbow Seleone Handbow 18.00 5.63
357 Gellis Grimm Thor`s Mountain Handbow 17.00 5.32
358 Fianna Rua Nic Mhathuna King’s Lake Handbow 16.00 5.01
359 Ansgar Dragons Bay Handbow 16.00 5.01
360 Ragnarr Olafsson Stegby Handbow 14.00 4.39
361 Nikolai Roguenov Dragons Bay Handbow 14.00 4.39
362 Brian Dun in Mara Handbow 12.00 3.78
363 Ailis inghean ui Bhriain Bright Hills Handbow 11.00 3.47
365 Swannoc of Lammermuir Aarnimetsä Handbow 11.00 3.47
364 Brett of Dragons Bay Dragons Bay Handbow 11.00 3.47
367 ((Julie Viel)) Oldenfeld Handbow 6.00 1.93
369 Catarina Ysabellaleoni Rowany Handbow 6.00 1.93
366 Rhys Fforester Aachenfeld Handbow 6.00 1.93
368 Donald of Dunfermline Thor`s Mountain Handbow 6.00 1.93
370 Meave Eplaheimr Handbow 3.00 1.00

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This is an OFFICIAL site for the Aethelmearc Archery