Ludicrous Bowmen |
(Royal Round average of 120 or greater) |
Name |
Group |
Weapon |
Score |
1 |
Laochlain Silverwolf |
Scarlet Guard |
Recurve |
161.3 |
2 |
Connor Bowsplitter |
Scarlet Guard |
Recurve |
124.7 |
3 |
Jacopo di Niccolo |
Scarlet Guard |
Longbow |
120.7 |
4 |
Ghaliya Bint Jusef |
Dun Carraig |
Recurve |
120.7 |
5 |
Ichikeiro Osoroshi |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
120.7 |
Grand Master Bowmen |
(Royal Round average of 100 to less then 120) |
Name |
Group |
Weapon |
Score |
6 |
Pearce Redsmythe |
Myrkfaelinn |
Crossbow |
113.3 |
7 |
Milhim Ibn Rashid Brox |
Scarlet Guard |
Crossbow |
112.3 |
8 |
Douglas Silverwolf |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
110.7 |
9 |
Brandubh ODonnghaile |
Scarlet Guard |
Crossbow |
108.7 |
10 |
Cetach Fitzgibbon |
Scarlet Guard |
Crossbow |
105.7 |
11 |
Lucas of Gryffons Keep (JRR) |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
105.7 |
12 |
Muirghein Gealbhain |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
104.3 |
13 |
Urho Waltterinen |
Scarlet Guard |
Crossbow |
103.3 |
14 |
Fintan na Coilled |
Scarlet Guard |
Longbow |
103.3 |
15 |
Alaxandair OConchobhair |
Blackston Mountain |
Recurve |
103.0 |
16 |
Robert the Grey |
Scarlet Guard |
Longbow |
103.0 |
17 |
Charles of Verona |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
103.0 |
18 |
Wolfgang Starcke |
Rhydderich Hael |
Crossbow |
102.7 |
19 |
Wilhelm Von Stromberg |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Crossbow |
102.6 |
20 |
Caleb Reynolds |
Scarlet Guard |
Crossbow |
102.3 |
21 |
Denys the Decadent |
Abhainn Chiach Ghlais |
Crossbow |
102.0 |
22 |
Thomas of Bear Woods |
Scarlet Guard |
Recurve |
102.0 |
23 |
Deryk Archer |
Scarlet Guard |
Longbow |
101.3 |
24 |
Robert MacEwin of Thornhill (JRR) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
101.0 |
25 |
Giovanni Di Lupo |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Crossbow |
100.7 |
26 |
Layla of Gryffons Keep (JRR) |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
100.7 |
Master Bowmen |
(Royal Round average of 80 to less then 100) |
Name |
Group |
Weapon |
Score |
27 |
Edmund of Worcester |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
98.0 |
28 |
Christopher Silverwolf |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
97.0 |
29 |
Katarin |
Rhydderich Hael |
Crossbow |
94.7 |
30 |
Alheydis von Korckhingen |
Delftwood |
Crossbow |
93.3 |
31 |
Hawk Deschain JRR |
Hunter`s Home |
Recurve |
93.0 |
32 |
Takamatsu Yoshitaka |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
90.7 |
33 |
Seamus Rogan |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
90.0 |
34 |
Ru Cavorst |
Scarlet Guard |
Recurve |
90.0 |
35 |
Tadeysz Wypij |
Rhydderich Hael |
Crossbow |
89.3 |
36 |
Elska a Fjarfelli |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
89.0 |
37 |
Alrekr Bergsson |
Scarlet Guard |
Longbow |
89.0 |
38 |
Francois Belgraunde the Bladegatherer |
Scarlet Guard |
Crossbow |
88.0 |
39 |
Ambrosius MacDhaibhidh |
Scarlet Guard |
Recurve |
87.3 |
40 |
Snorri skyti Bjarnarson |
Scarlet Guard |
Crossbow |
86.7 |
41 |
Eldjarn the Thoughtful |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
86.3 |
42 |
Gwilym or Afonydd Tair |
Scarlet Guard |
Recurve |
85.0 |
43 |
Kenn the Just |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Crossbow |
84.3 |
44 |
Andreas Jager von Holstein |
Mountain Confederation |
Longbow |
84.0 |
45 |
Ronan Ó Conaill |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
84.0 |
46 |
Corwin Templeton |
Delftwood |
Longbow |
83.7 |
47 |
Juan Miguel Cezar |
Scarlet Guard |
Crossbow |
83.0 |
48 |
Cedric the Humble |
Scarlet Guard |
Recurve |
82.7 |
49 |
Kadan Chakhilghan |
Glaedenfeld |
Recurve |
82.3 |
50 |
Murdoch MacFarlane |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
81.7 |
51 |
Duncan MacCoulagh |
Steltonwald |
Recurve |
81.7 |
52 |
Alaric MacConnal |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
81.7 |
53 |
Bjarki Rikarðarson |
Coppertree |
Crossbow |
81.0 |
54 |
Niall mac Raedwulf |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Crossbow |
80.0 |
55 |
Godzimir the Golden |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
80.0 |
56 |
Skjoldr Bjorn |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Crossbow |
80.0 |
57 |
Edward Harbinger / William Boge Walker |
Scarlet Guard |
Recurve |
80.0 |
58 |
Gianna di Aurelio |
Steltonwald |
Crossbow |
80.0 |
59 |
Eldrich the Owl |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
80.0 |
Bowmen |
(Royal Round average of 60 to less then 80) |
Name |
Group |
Weapon |
Score |
60 |
Michael Gladwyne |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
79.3 |
61 |
Matheus van Courtlandt |
Port Oasis |
Recurve |
79.0 |
62 |
Constantine Treesbane |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
78.7 |
63 |
Lawrence James of the Hael |
Rhydderich Hael |
Crossbow |
78.3 |
64 |
Kathryne Tantzel |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
78.3 |
65 |
John of Maplewood |
Steltonwald |
Recurve |
77.7 |
66 |
William Eldjarnson |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
77.0 |
67 |
Cynwulf Rendell |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
76.7 |
68 |
Donnan MacDubhsidhe |
Ballacchlagan |
Longbow |
76.3 |
69 |
Aurelio di Baldasare |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
76.0 |
70 |
Ruland Burckhart |
Scarlet Guard |
Recurve |
75.3 |
71 |
Ben of Gryffyns Keep |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
75.3 |
72 |
Hrolfr a Fjarfelli |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
74.3 |
73 |
Talishar |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Recurve |
73.7 |
74 |
Magnus Bastiano di Vigo |
Steltonwald |
Recurve |
73.7 |
75 |
Adrian of the Debatable Lands (JRR) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
73.0 |
76 |
Asmerelda Scales |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
73.0 |
77 |
Michael Silverwolf |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
72.7 |
78 |
Reinaldr bjortappr |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
72.3 |
79 |
Annora O`Duelaghane |
Steltonwald |
Recurve |
72.3 |
80 |
Sabina DeLyons |
Heronter |
Recurve |
71.7 |
81 |
Arianna of Wynthrope |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
71.0 |
82 |
Erik inn havi |
Rhydderich Hael |
Crossbow |
71.0 |
83 |
Chernislava Alekseeva |
Sterlynge Vayle |
Recurve |
70.7 |
84 |
Gawin Hawkseye |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
70.3 |
85 |
Mary of Harford |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
69.3 |
86 |
Elzbieta Traidenyte |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
69.0 |
87 |
Garrett of Gryffyns Keep |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
68.3 |
88 |
Tronose Modock |
Heronter |
Recurve |
67.0 |
89 |
((Daniel Wallach)) |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
66.7 |
90 |
((Charles Pluto)) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Longbow |
66.7 |
91 |
Hieko of Thescore |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
66.3 |
92 |
Arthes MacLeod |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Crossbow |
66.3 |
93 |
Ariana of the North |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
66.3 |
94 |
Colin of Gryffyns Keep(JRR) |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
66.0 |
95 |
Aindreas Mac Ghille Fhionntaigh |
Mountain Confederation |
Recurve |
65.7 |
96 |
Yakub al-Musafir |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
65.7 |
97 |
Leonardo of SunderOak |
Sunderoak |
Recurve |
65.3 |
98 |
Bjorn bunhauss Olafsson |
Misty Highlands |
Recurve |
64.3 |
99 |
Abdullah al Rashid |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
63.7 |
100 |
((Banished)) |
Sunderoak |
Recurve |
63.0 |
101 |
Meinolf Grimsson |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Longbow |
62.7 |
102 |
Danielle of Gryffyns Keep |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
62.0 |
103 |
Amalie J�ger von Holstein (JRR) |
Mountain Confederation |
Recurve |
62.0 |
104 |
Miruska Lyubomyr |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
62.0 |
105 |
John of Gryffyns Keep |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
61.7 |
106 |
Toni of Port Oasis |
Port Oasis |
Recurve |
61.3 |
107 |
Orm of Loch Mor |
Delftwood |
Longbow |
61.3 |
108 |
Isadora Rogan |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
61.0 |
109 |
Faelan Mac Colmain |
Kings Crossing |
Recurve |
61.0 |
110 |
Seumas MacAusland |
Scarlet Guard |
Longbow |
60.7 |
111 |
Tigernach mac Cathail |
Endless Hills |
Recurve |
60.7 |
112 |
William of Ballachlagan |
Ballacchlagan |
Crossbow |
60.7 |
113 |
Kumagaya Kentarou Masamoto |
Steltonwald |
Recurve |
60.7 |
114 |
Matteo Pesci |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
60.0 |
115 |
John |
Steltonwald |
Longbow |
60.0 |
Marksmen |
(Royal Round average of 40 to less then 60) |
Name |
Group |
Weapon |
Score |
116 |
Robert MacEwin of Thornhill |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
59.7 |
117 |
Ichabod Lobster |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
59.3 |
118 |
((T. W. Moran)) |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
59.0 |
119 |
Goffraid Cleireach |
Sunderoak |
Longbow |
58.7 |
120 |
Rainagh of Wexford |
Sterlynge Vayle |
Recurve |
58.3 |
121 |
Elizabeth Arrowsmyth |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
58.3 |
122 |
Alexander of Gryffons Keep |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
58.0 |
123 |
Beherend von Elmendorf |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
58.0 |
124 |
Robert Enderlein of the Debatable Lands |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
58.0 |
125 |
Meadhbh |
Sunderoak |
Recurve |
58.0 |
126 |
Magnus de Lyons |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
58.0 |
127 |
Wulfflaed on Hehstaldes ee |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Recurve |
58.0 |
128 |
Anastasie DeLamoure |
Scarlet Guard |
Recurve |
57.0 |
129 |
Chauncey Longbow |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
56.7 |
130 |
Khalek Shurrag Od |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
56.7 |
131 |
Theodoric |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
56.7 |
132 |
Mairin O Niallain |
Port Oasis |
Longbow |
56.7 |
133 |
Rian Gortrian |
Delftwood |
Crossbow |
56.3 |
134 |
Eoin MacCogadhain |
Delftwood |
Longbow |
55.7 |
135 |
John Bowman |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
55.7 |
136 |
Cuilean MacCannech |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
55.0 |
137 |
Padraig O`Branduibh |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
54.7 |
138 |
Marina Aragonnes de Navarre |
Sunderoak |
Recurve |
54.3 |
139 |
Sugtungui Bataar |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
53.7 |
140 |
Baziyah |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
53.7 |
141 |
Boris Dragonsbane |
Delftwood |
Crossbow |
53.0 |
142 |
Pavel Dudoladov |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
53.0 |
143 |
TJ of Gryffons Keep |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
52.7 |
144 |
Gnaeus Iulius Celsus |
Delftwood |
Crossbow |
52.7 |
145 |
Aquila d�Athos |
Thescorre |
Longbow |
52.7 |
146 |
Andreas Schmidt |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
52.0 |
147 |
Felicia Eddy |
Sterlynge Vayle |
Recurve |
52.0 |
148 |
Einarr Havarsson |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
51.7 |
149 |
Chebe |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
51.7 |
150 |
Ivor Ioan o’r Llyn |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
51.3 |
151 |
Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
51.3 |
152 |
Rosheen (Rois O fahy) |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Longbow |
51.3 |
153 |
Susan of Fox Meadow |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
51.0 |
154 |
William Freskin Murray |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
50.3 |
155 |
AElric Ravenshaw |
Ballacchlagan |
Longbow |
50.3 |
156 |
Ysabell Graver |
Steltonwald |
Longbow |
50.3 |
157 |
((Phineas Goldring (JRR))) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
50.3 |
158 |
Talon |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
49.7 |
159 |
Ariel of Greenwich |
Abhainn Chiach Ghlais |
Recurve |
49.7 |
160 |
Ian Campbell of Glen Mor |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Crossbow |
49.3 |
161 |
Robert of Ferness |
Myrkfaelinn |
Longbow |
49.3 |
162 |
Hanse Drachensohn |
Sunderoak |
Recurve |
49.0 |
163 |
Miriel du Lac |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
49.0 |
164 |
((Trillium Reynolds)) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
49.0 |
165 |
Gunther |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Recurve |
48.7 |
166 |
Robert Pour Maintenant |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
48.7 |
167 |
Sabastian Mora |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
48.3 |
168 |
Corbinus DeCuvis |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
48.0 |
169 |
Gredechin Morin de Nordenberg |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
48.0 |
170 |
Vera Ivanova Tolstikova |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
47.7 |
171 |
Oeric Lestrange |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
47.3 |
172 |
((Cliff Walters)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
47.3 |
173 |
Mariana Maria Pietrosanti |
Sterlynge Vayle |
Recurve |
47.0 |
174 |
Halfdan Dansson |
Coppertree |
Crossbow |
47.0 |
175 |
Vasilisa Ivanovna Ivanova |
Ballacchlagan |
Crossbow |
46.7 |
176 |
Torsten Lamport |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
46.3 |
177 |
Wladyslaw Poznanski |
Abhainn Chiach Ghlais |
Longbow |
46.3 |
178 |
Alana Griffin |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
46.3 |
179 |
Garrett Williamson |
Angel`s Keep |
Recurve |
46.3 |
180 |
Reyni-Hrefna |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
46.0 |
181 |
Saoirse |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
46.0 |
182 |
Fridrikr Tomasson av Knusslig Hamn |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
46.0 |
183 |
Artimus Andreas Magnus |
Delftwood |
Crossbow |
46.0 |
184 |
((Brett Marsh)) |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
45.7 |
185 |
Hiro Himoura |
Delftwood |
Crossbow |
45.3 |
186 |
Tiberius |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
45.3 |
187 |
Bovi Farmandt |
Steltonwald |
Longbow |
45.3 |
188 |
Kraki |
Nithgaard |
Recurve |
45.0 |
189 |
Peronelle l`Ymagiere |
Sunderoak |
Longbow |
45.0 |
190 |
((Mike Weige)) |
Sunderoak |
Recurve |
45.0 |
191 |
TW Moran |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
45.0 |
192 |
Elinor Walden |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
44.7 |
193 |
River |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
44.3 |
194 |
Godke DeGrote |
Thescorre |
Longbow |
44.3 |
195 |
Sile inghean Chein |
Steltonwald |
Recurve |
44.3 |
196 |
Simon a Fjarfelli |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
44.0 |
197 |
Aine ingen ui Aengusa |
Abhainn Chiach Ghlais |
Recurve |
44.0 |
198 |
Atticus |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
44.0 |
199 |
Sigvaldi inn Enski |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
44.0 |
200 |
Ygraine |
Ballacchlagan |
Recurve |
44.0 |
201 |
((Vryce Hough)) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
44.0 |
202 |
Jorundr hinn rotinn |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Crossbow |
43.7 |
203 |
Simonetta d`Alfassi |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
43.7 |
204 |
Allene Naughty |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Recurve |
43.7 |
205 |
Gille MacDhonuill |
Abhainn Chiach Ghlais |
Longbow |
43.3 |
206 |
Brada AEthelward |
Scarlet Guard |
Longbow |
43.3 |
207 |
Solveig Throndardottir |
Delftwood |
Crossbow |
43.0 |
208 |
Logan of Argyll |
Hunter`s Home |
Longbow |
43.0 |
209 |
Thyri Oddsdottir |
Delftwood |
Longbow |
42.7 |
210 |
Mara Cincinnatus |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
42.7 |
211 |
Alianora Bronhulle |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
42.7 |
212 |
Thomasyn Fletcher |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Longbow |
42.3 |
213 |
Siobhan Readnait |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
42.3 |
214 |
Christopher Harper |
Delftwood |
Longbow |
42.0 |
215 |
Grimolfr Ormalfrson |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
41.7 |
216 |
((William Snyder)) |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
41.7 |
217 |
Egill the Dane |
Abhainn Chiach Ghlais |
Recurve |
41.3 |
218 |
Cage of Gryffyns Keep(JRR) |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
41.0 |
219 |
Elizabeth Rosamond |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Recurve |
41.0 |
220 |
Feya |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
41.0 |
221 |
Helgafinna |
Nithgaard |
Recurve |
40.0 |
222 |
Evangelos (JRR) |
Sterlynge Vayle |
Recurve |
40.0 |
223 |
Bergren |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
40.0 |
224 |
Dalibor Vilcekov |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
40.0 |
Archer |
(Royal Round average of 0 to less then 40) |
Name |
Group |
Weapon |
Score |
225 |
Ariella of Thornbury |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Longbow |
39.7 |
226 |
Fideleco De Rocheforte |
Sylvan Glen |
Longbow |
39.7 |
227 |
Lu Tao-Ying |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
39.7 |
228 |
Simon Peregrine |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
39.7 |
229 |
Subhne O`Dubhslaine |
Steltonwald |
Longbow |
39.7 |
230 |
Samuel Bliss |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
39.7 |
231 |
Cedric de Lothian |
Blackston Mountain |
Recurve |
39.7 |
232 |
Karen of Myrkfaelinn |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
39.7 |
233 |
Turlough Feolain |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Longbow |
39.3 |
234 |
Juan Miguel Cezar |
Sunderoak |
Recurve |
39.3 |
235 |
Eilionra Ghorm |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
38.7 |
236 |
((John Weige)) |
Sunderoak |
Recurve |
38.7 |
237 |
Robert pour Maintenant |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
38.7 |
238 |
Onnora Inghean Ui Domhnaill |
Port Oasis |
Recurve |
38.7 |
239 |
Kadlin Sigvaldskona |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
38.3 |
240 |
Peregrine |
Thescorre |
Longbow |
38.0 |
241 |
Giovanni Michaelangelo |
Sunderoak |
Longbow |
38.0 |
242 |
Tertius Drusis |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
37.7 |
243 |
Myra Frogbayn |
Hunter`s Home |
Recurve |
37.3 |
244 |
Aleea Bagah |
Glaedenfeld |
Recurve |
37.3 |
245 |
Disiderata Drake |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
36.7 |
246 |
Thalia Papillon |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
36.7 |
247 |
Phoebus |
Ballacchlagan |
Recurve |
36.3 |
248 |
Robert L Etourdi |
Rhydderich Hael |
Longbow |
36.3 |
249 |
Sofia of the Vayle |
Sterlynge Vayle |
Longbow |
36.3 |
250 |
Archibald of Stoke on Trent |
Hornwood |
Recurve |
36.3 |
251 |
Antonio de Luna |
Hartstone |
Recurve |
36.3 |
252 |
Finnr jafnkollr |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
36.3 |
253 |
Oliver Sutton |
Ballacchlagan |
Recurve |
36.0 |
254 |
Josh of the Bog |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Recurve |
36.0 |
255 |
((Matt)) |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
36.0 |
256 |
Torak |
Myrkfaelinn |
Longbow |
35.7 |
257 |
Rota Egilsdottir |
Misty Highlands |
Recurve |
35.7 |
258 |
Forveleth Dunde |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
35.0 |
259 |
Meadhbh Inghean Sheamuis (Maeve) |
Stierbach |
Recurve |
35.0 |
260 |
Gunnarr of Endless Hills |
Endless Hills |
Recurve |
35.0 |
261 |
Randall of the Bog |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Recurve |
35.0 |
262 |
Brie (YOUTH) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
35.0 |
263 |
Roxanne of the Fox Tail |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Recurve |
34.7 |
264 |
Matthew of Delftwood |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
34.7 |
265 |
Andrew H of Thescorre |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
34.3 |
266 |
Rainer |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
34.3 |
267 |
Ayleth |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
34.3 |
268 |
Lance DeMolay |
Endless Hills |
Recurve |
34.0 |
269 |
Elyse la Bref |
Abhainn Chiach Ghlais |
Recurve |
34.0 |
270 |
Huon Damebrigge |
Ballacchlagan |
Recurve |
34.0 |
271 |
Logan of Delftwood |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
34.0 |
272 |
Daithi |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
34.0 |
273 |
Alana MacLeland |
Hunter`s Home |
Longbow |
34.0 |
274 |
Jacques of Sylvan Glen |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
33.7 |
275 |
Antonaus Haaesabrook |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
33.7 |
276 |
Pete of Thescorre |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
33.7 |
277 |
Tina of Thescorre |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
33.7 |
278 |
Wolfgang Wylder Woode |
Dunloch |
Recurve |
33.3 |
279 |
Cionaedh Gunn |
Steltonwald |
Longbow |
33.0 |
280 |
Katharine of Caithness |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
33.0 |
281 |
Andrew of Thescorre |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
33.0 |
282 |
Kenhelm the Deceptive |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
33.0 |
283 |
Kenneth of the Debatable Lands (JRR) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Longbow |
32.7 |
284 |
Zsolt-Patrick Geibel |
Sunderoak |
Recurve |
32.7 |
285 |
Elsa Taliard |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
32.7 |
286 |
Isabella |
Steltonwald |
Recurve |
32.7 |
287 |
Isabel de Herrera |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
32.3 |
288 |
Silence De Cherbourg |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
32.3 |
289 |
Oðindisa Bykóna |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
32.3 |
290 |
Stephen Stapleton |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
32.3 |
291 |
Howard Bowman |
Thescorre |
Longbow |
32.3 |
292 |
Aidan |
Heronter |
Recurve |
32.3 |
293 |
((Patricia Woehrlen)) |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
31.7 |
294 |
Sasson della Sancta Victoria |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Recurve |
31.3 |
295 |
Dawn of Thescore |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
31.0 |
296 |
Louisa MacNayre |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
31.0 |
297 |
Marcus of Delftwood |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
31.0 |
298 |
Una Magennis |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
31.0 |
299 |
Genevotte Nau d`Anjou |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
31.0 |
300 |
Morgaine de Clermont |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Recurve |
31.0 |
301 |
Iain Ard mac an Bhaird |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
30.7 |
302 |
Ogadai |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
30.7 |
303 |
Elen Woderose |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
30.7 |
304 |
Dark Oak |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
30.3 |
305 |
Meg the Mad called Pondslayer |
Sunderoak |
Longbow |
30.3 |
306 |
Ana Sirena DeValbuena |
Dunloch |
Recurve |
30.0 |
307 |
Abigail of the Hael |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
30.0 |
308 |
Evgenii Volk Konstantinovich |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
29.7 |
309 |
Megge Gormshuileach |
Delftwood |
Longbow |
29.7 |
310 |
Allen of Rusted Woods |
Angel`s Keep |
Recurve |
29.3 |
311 |
Gabrielle de Winter |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
29.0 |
312 |
Muirgen y Curyll |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
29.0 |
313 |
Aurora Delmar |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
29.0 |
314 |
Cainnech Obrion na nÉireannach |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
28.7 |
315 |
William Bone |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
28.7 |
316 |
Rein Burckhart |
Ballacchlagan |
Longbow |
28.3 |
317 |
Brian of Hornwood |
Hornwood |
Recurve |
28.3 |
318 |
Gwydion of Arden |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
28.0 |
319 |
Eadaoin Ingen Chanacain |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
27.7 |
320 |
Arsinoe of the Long Name |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
27.7 |
321 |
Gwen Cooke |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
27.7 |
322 |
Edwynne Ab Eoone |
Sunderoak |
Longbow |
27.3 |
323 |
Thomas of Petersham |
Thescorre |
Longbow |
27.3 |
324 |
Stoffel |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
27.3 |
325 |
((Evan Higgins (JRR))) |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
27.3 |
326 |
((Brianna Kelley)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
27.3 |
327 |
Joshua of the Debatable Lands(JRR) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
27.3 |
328 |
Braddoc |
Hornwood |
Recurve |
27.0 |
329 |
Henryk Boguese |
Angel`s Keep |
Crossbow |
27.0 |
330 |
marguerite de neufchasteau |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
27.0 |
331 |
Cornelia of Harford |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
27.0 |
332 |
Draco Robertson |
Port Oasis |
Recurve |
26.3 |
333 |
Rivka bat Daniyal |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
26.0 |
334 |
Emily of Thescorre |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
25.7 |
335 |
Eleanore Godwin |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
25.7 |
336 |
Vedis Aradottir |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
25.7 |
337 |
Rachel Dalicieux |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Recurve |
25.3 |
338 |
Catalina |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
25.3 |
339 |
((Ronald Sadler)) |
Hunter`s Home |
Longbow |
25.3 |
340 |
Adhemar of St. Albans |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
25.3 |
341 |
((Beren Goldring (JRR))) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
25.0 |
342 |
Catherine O’Herlihy |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
25.0 |
343 |
Helene Al-Zarqa |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
24.7 |
344 |
((Skylar Davis)) |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
24.3 |
345 |
Padrig (JRR) |
Nithgaard |
Recurve |
24.3 |
346 |
Kitte Maclure |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
24.0 |
347 |
Fiora d`Artusio |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Longbow |
23.7 |
348 |
Lederhosen |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
23.7 |
349 |
Sigrid Vargsdottir |
Thescorre |
Crossbow |
23.7 |
350 |
Hannah Browere |
Hornwood |
Recurve |
23.3 |
351 |
Brada AEthelward |
Abhainn Chiach Ghlais |
Recurve |
23.3 |
352 |
Candy of Thescore |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
23.0 |
353 |
Ian of Debatable Lands (JRR) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
23.0 |
354 |
Jurgen |
Sunderoak |
Longbow |
23.0 |
355 |
Takeda Akimasa |
Sylvan Glen |
Longbow |
23.0 |
356 |
Arsalan Egiseg |
Thescorre |
Longbow |
23.0 |
357 |
Phyllida Longacre of Ravenglass |
Abhainn Chiach Ghlais |
Recurve |
22.7 |
358 |
Caelfind in Eich Gil |
Sunderoak |
Longbow |
22.7 |
359 |
Taran Artbranan |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
22.7 |
360 |
Nicholas of Windreach |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
22.0 |
361 |
Sean of Thescorre |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
22.0 |
362 |
Jawhara bint Abd-al Rahman |
Abhainn Chiach Ghlais |
Longbow |
22.0 |
363 |
((Rebekah White)) |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
21.3 |
364 |
Aurora Deschain |
Hunter`s Home |
Recurve |
21.3 |
365 |
((Luke Duffey)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Longbow |
21.3 |
366 |
Veronica |
Heronter |
Recurve |
21.3 |
367 |
((Jean Belles (JRR))) |
Sunderoak |
Longbow |
21.0 |
368 |
Fiachna Mac Cennetig |
Misty Highlands |
Recurve |
21.0 |
369 |
Sabrina of Thescorre |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
21.0 |
370 |
Amber of Delftwood |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
21.0 |
371 |
Rignach inghean Ui Conal |
Port Oasis |
Recurve |
21.0 |
372 |
Hara Kikumatsu |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Crossbow |
21.0 |
373 |
Ryan |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
20.7 |
374 |
Tessa (JRR) |
Nithgaard |
Recurve |
20.7 |
375 |
Roberto Luis Rimerez |
Angel`s Keep |
Recurve |
20.7 |
376 |
Vémundr Mársson |
Ballacchlagan |
Longbow |
20.7 |
377 |
Dominique d`Alscace |
Ballacchlagan |
Recurve |
20.3 |
378 |
Asa Parstaeson |
Delftwood |
Longbow |
20.3 |
379 |
Fine ingen Faelain |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Longbow |
20.3 |
380 |
Travis |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
20.0 |
381 |
Doyle of Delftwood |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
20.0 |
382 |
Mikial Borosovich |
Ballacchlagan |
Recurve |
20.0 |
383 |
Bera of Tvastland |
Sylvan Glen |
Longbow |
19.7 |
384 |
((John T Belles)) |
Sunderoak |
Recurve |
19.7 |
385 |
Eudoxia Antonina |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Recurve |
19.3 |
386 |
Vilhjálmr Eðvarðarson |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
19.3 |
387 |
Briana of Delftwood |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
19.3 |
388 |
Liam Fitzpatrick |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
19.3 |
389 |
Eleanor of Pembroke |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
19.3 |
390 |
Zosia Kowaleska |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
19.3 |
391 |
Akira Watanabe (JRR) |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
18.7 |
392 |
Aediva of Cratorne |
Ballacchlagan |
Recurve |
18.3 |
393 |
Beatrix Ghijs |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
18.3 |
394 |
Nicholas of Silva Vulcani |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
18.3 |
395 |
((Wren Gutshall)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
18.3 |
396 |
((Don Zombro)) |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
18.0 |
397 |
Genichi |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
18.0 |
398 |
Kalan of Sunderoak (JRR) |
Sunderoak |
Recurve |
17.7 |
399 |
((Shelby Hernan)) |
Hunter`s Home |
Recurve |
17.7 |
400 |
Sigrund Gunnarsdottir |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
17.7 |
401 |
Ran Case |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
17.7 |
402 |
((Andrew Dobson)) |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
17.3 |
403 |
((Noah Proctor)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Longbow |
17.3 |
404 |
Katarina |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
17.3 |
405 |
Raicheal of the Vayle (JRR) |
Sterlynge Vayle |
Recurve |
17.3 |
406 |
((Lindsay Sturnick)) |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
17.0 |
407 |
Bran mac DÃmmáin |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
16.7 |
408 |
Fergus Atte Mede |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
16.7 |
409 |
Amelot Noisete |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
16.7 |
410 |
Flora of Dunloch |
Dunloch |
Recurve |
16.7 |
411 |
Racheldis of Swanmere |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
16.3 |
412 |
Cesira Blackwork |
Delftwood |
Longbow |
16.3 |
413 |
Cymberli Renai |
Port Oasis |
Recurve |
16.3 |
414 |
((Jadzia Wright (JRR))) |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
16.3 |
415 |
Isabele |
Heronter |
Recurve |
16.3 |
416 |
((Tristyn Jean)) |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Longbow |
16.0 |
417 |
Glenna of Delftwood |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
15.7 |
418 |
((Emily Shelly)) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
15.7 |
419 |
Angelia Stapelton |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
15.3 |
420 |
Mary Beth of Delftwood |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
15.3 |
421 |
Aud, Lauren of Delftwood |
Delftwood |
Crossbow |
15.0 |
422 |
((Ashley Rupert)) |
Sunderoak |
Recurve |
15.0 |
423 |
Katerina de la Marne |
St Swithin`s Bog |
Recurve |
14.7 |
424 |
((Thomas Extain)) |
Hunter`s Home |
Recurve |
14.7 |
425 |
((Dale Casteel)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Longbow |
14.7 |
426 |
((Donna Belles)) |
Sunderoak |
Longbow |
14.3 |
427 |
Edana Houwyns |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
14.3 |
428 |
((Amber Freeman)) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
14.3 |
429 |
Orianna Fridrikskona |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
13.7 |
430 |
Jared of Thescorre |
Thescorre |
Longbow |
13.7 |
431 |
Tristan |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Longbow |
13.7 |
432 |
Asteriya Royarchevicha |
Myrkfaelinn |
Longbow |
13.7 |
433 |
((Geoffrey Wendel)) |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
13.3 |
434 |
Hannah Stonhard |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
13.3 |
435 |
Morgan O`Breen |
Delftwood |
Longbow |
13.3 |
436 |
Katelinn of Delftwood |
Delftwood |
Longbow |
13.3 |
437 |
Winardus |
Hunter`s Home |
Recurve |
13.3 |
438 |
Brigid |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
13.3 |
439 |
Mathias Al Tabai |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
12.7 |
440 |
((Jordan Freeburn)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
12.7 |
441 |
Brendon of Delftwood |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
12.7 |
442 |
Phillipe the Shamed |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
12.3 |
443 |
Angellino the Bookmaker |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
12.3 |
444 |
((jennifer russell)) |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
12.3 |
445 |
((Martin Anixter)) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
12.3 |
446 |
Mikus |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
12.3 |
447 |
Laura of Delftwood |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
12.0 |
448 |
Sigurdr Isolfsson |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
12.0 |
449 |
((Isaac Witlkopp)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Longbow |
12.0 |
450 |
Muirenn |
Heronter |
Recurve |
11.7 |
451 |
Roland of Gryffons Keep |
Gryffyn`s Keep |
Recurve |
11.7 |
452 |
Emma |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
11.7 |
453 |
((Josh Coppinger)) |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
11.3 |
454 |
Cyrus Augur |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
11.3 |
455 |
((ella parsons)) |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
11.3 |
456 |
Christiee Hochstine |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
11.0 |
457 |
Temair Ruadh |
Hornwood |
Recurve |
11.0 |
458 |
Cake |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
11.0 |
459 |
Hrefna Ulfvarinnsdottir |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
10.7 |
460 |
Branwyn ferch Gwythyr |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
10.7 |
461 |
Mirabella Aqualrone |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
10.7 |
462 |
Sarafina Kowaleska |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
10.7 |
463 |
((John Barnes)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Longbow |
10.3 |
464 |
Gytha Oggsdottir |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
10.0 |
465 |
Julianna Wyn |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
9.7 |
466 |
Frederich Flussmullner |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
9.3 |
467 |
Dragos Pelikanos |
Coppertree |
Longbow |
9.0 |
468 |
((Talyn Plummer)) |
Steltonwald |
Longbow |
8.7 |
469 |
((Noah (JRR))) |
Coppertree |
Longbow |
8.3 |
470 |
Luca della Lupi |
Silva Vulcani |
Longbow |
8.0 |
471 |
Agnes |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
7.7 |
472 |
Katie of Delftwood |
Delftwood |
Longbow |
7.3 |
473 |
Gwendalenia |
Thescorre |
Recurve |
7.0 |
474 |
Amalie Reinhardt |
Delftwood |
Crossbow |
7.0 |
475 |
Adren cu Faol |
Thescorre |
Longbow |
6.7 |
476 |
Isabella of Sylvan Glen |
Sylvan Glen |
Recurve |
6.3 |
477 |
Neffydd Maelgwyn |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
6.3 |
478 |
AElfrida Rowan Dulcette |
Coppertree |
Longbow |
6.3 |
479 |
Maddalena D`Agostino |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
6.3 |
480 |
Makayla of SunderOak(JRR) |
Sunderoak |
Recurve |
6.0 |
481 |
Wilhelm |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
5.3 |
482 |
Joseph Edwardson |
Delftwood |
Longbow |
5.0 |
483 |
((Josh Mallett)) |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
4.7 |
484 |
((Nicholas Brown)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Longbow |
4.7 |
485 |
Marcellus Cincinnatus |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
4.0 |
486 |
Mathilde des Pyrenees |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
3.7 |
487 |
Vita Cincinnatus |
Delftwood |
Recurve |
3.3 |
488 |
((Kathleen Spink)) |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
3.3 |
489 |
Maire ni Cathal oconnor (JRR) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
3.3 |
490 |
Gwenhwyvar Morwyn |
Angel`s Keep |
Recurve |
3.0 |
491 |
Cacht Ingean Ui Cheithernaig |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
3.0 |
492 |
((Kara McLaughlin)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Longbow |
2.7 |
493 |
((Sara Moses)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
2.3 |
494 |
((Caitlin Kolick)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
2.0 |
495 |
Annika |
Coppertree |
Recurve |
2.0 |
496 |
Maedbh ni Clerich |
Myrkfaelinn |
Recurve |
1.0 |
497 |
((Jessica Harbaugh)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
1.0 |
498 |
((Samuel Dadio)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
1.0 |
499 |
((Samantha Kazmich)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
1.0 |
500 |
((Zack Sylvester (JRR))) |
Steltonwald |
Longbow |
1.0 |
501 |
Durr al-jabal al-mukhfi |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
1.0 |
502 |
Kusunoki Yoshimato |
Dragonship Haven |
Recurve |
1.0 |
503 |
Dorothea |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
1.0 |
504 |
Cody of Rhydderich Hael |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
1.0 |
505 |
Sogtungui Bataar |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
1.0 |
506 |
Li Chang |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
1.0 |
507 |
Robert Hawksworth |
Silva Vulcani |
Longbow |
1.0 |
508 |
((Tyler Shupe)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Longbow |
1.0 |
509 |
((Angela VanGorder)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Longbow |
1.0 |
510 |
Horgahn |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
1.0 |
511 |
Nicolo Loredan da Venesia |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
1.0 |
512 |
((David Olson)) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
1.0 |
513 |
Ihulu Aavinen |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
1.0 |
514 |
((Richard Spink)) |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
1.0 |
515 |
Theodoric O`York |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
1.0 |
516 |
((Talia Kalisiak)) |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
1.0 |
517 |
Astride |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
1.0 |
518 |
Gaston |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
1.0 |
519 |
Camilla |
Rhydderich Hael |
Recurve |
1.0 |
520 |
((Langston Kelly)) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
1.0 |
521 |
Bataar |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
1.0 |
522 |
((Adam Mistler)) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Longbow |
1.0 |
523 |
((Jacob Szirmae)) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
1.0 |
524 |
((Chris Girardi)) |
Silva Vulcani |
Recurve |
1.0 |
525 |
Sean O`Conner |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Longbow |
0.3 |
526 |
((Ansel Burgette)) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
0.0 |
527 |
((Maire Hughes)) |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Longbow |
0.0 |
528 |
Rei Regenbogen |
Marche of the Debatable Lands |
Recurve |
0.0 |