Aethelmearc Archery Scores

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Current Averages

Here is a list of all people who have a current score/average in the Royal Round , and any rank they would have based on that score/average. Note: if ranks are given this is *not* their Official Rank, only the rank based on the current score/average.

The Scorekeeper last approved scores for this shoot on: 10/4/24 (4 remaining to be Approved)

Ludicrous Bowmen badge. Click for larger image.    Ludicrous Bowmen      (Royal Round average of 120 or greater)
  Name Group Weapon Current Highest
  There is no one with a current Ludicrous Bowmen average.
Grand Master Bowmen badge. Click for larger image.    Grand Master Bowmen      (Royal Round average of 100 to less then 120)
  Name Group Weapon Current Highest
  There is no one with a current Grand Master Bowmen average.
Master Bowmen badge. Click for larger image.    Master Bowmen      (Royal Round average of 80 to less then 100)
  Name Group Weapon Current Highest
1 Duncan MacCoulagh Steltonwald Recurve 81.7 81.7
2 Niall mac Raedwulf Marche of the Debatable Lands Crossbow 80.0 80.0
Bowmen badge. Click for larger image.    Bowmen      (Royal Round average of 60 to less then 80)
  Name Group Weapon Current Highest
3 Skjoldr Bjorn Marche of the Debatable Lands Crossbow 76.7 80.0
4 Godzimir the Golden Marche of the Debatable Lands Recurve 76.0 80.0
5 Adrian of the Debatable Lands (JRR) Marche of the Debatable Lands Recurve 61.7 61.7
Marksmen badge. Click for larger image.    Marksmen      (Royal Round average of 40 to less then 60)
  Name Group Weapon Current Highest
6 Goffraid Cleireach Sunderoak Longbow 58.7 58.7
7 Gnaeus Iulius Celsus Delftwood Crossbow 52.7 52.7
8 Edward Harbinger / William Boge Walker Scarlet Guard Recurve 51.7 80.0
9 Marina Aragonnes de Navarre Sunderoak Recurve 50.7 54.3
10 Sabastian Mora Marche of the Debatable Lands Recurve 48.3 48.3
11 Gnaeus Iulius Celsus Delftwood Recurve 45.3 45.3
12 Seamus Rogan Delftwood Recurve 44.7 90.0
13 Arthes MacLeod Marche of the Debatable Lands Recurve 43.3 60.3
14 Arianna of Wynthrope Marche of the Debatable Lands Recurve 42.3 71.0
15 Thomasyn Fletcher Marche of the Debatable Lands Longbow 42.3 42.3
16 Ivor Ioan o’r Llyn Marche of the Debatable Lands Longbow 41.7 41.7
17 Hiro Himoura Delftwood Crossbow 40.0 45.3
Archer badge. Click for larger image.    Archer      (Royal Round average of 0 to less then 40)
  Name Group Weapon Current Highest
18 Turlough Feolain Marche of the Debatable Lands Longbow 39.0 39.0
19 Phoebus Ballacchlagan Recurve 36.3 36.3
20 Abdullah al Rashid Rhydderich Hael Recurve 34.0 63.7
21 Anastasie DeLamoure Scarlet Guard Recurve 33.0 57.0
22 Silence De Cherbourg Marche of the Debatable Lands Recurve 32.3 32.3
23 Ian Campbell of Glen Mor St Swithin`s Bog Crossbow 31.7 49.3
24 Robert MacEwin of Thornhill Marche of the Debatable Lands Recurve 31.0 59.7
25 Roxanne of the Fox Tail St Swithin`s Bog Recurve 29.7 34.7
26 Ana Sirena DeValbuena Dunloch Recurve 29.0 30.0
27 Cainnech Obrion na nÉireannach Delftwood Recurve 28.7 28.7
28 Forveleth Dunde Marche of the Debatable Lands Recurve 28.7 28.7
29 Juan Miguel Cezar Sunderoak Longbow 28.3 28.3
30 Edwynne Ab Eoone Sunderoak Longbow 27.3 27.3
31 Isabel de Herrera Marche of the Debatable Lands Recurve 27.3 27.3
32 Donnan MacDubhsidhe Ballacchlagan Recurve 26.0 58.3
33 Niall mac Raedwulf Marche of the Debatable Lands Recurve 25.3 44.0
34 ((Rebekah White)) Rhydderich Hael Recurve 21.3 21.3
35 ((Jean Belles (JRR))) Sunderoak Longbow 19.3 19.3
36 Eudoxia Antonina St Swithin`s Bog Recurve 19.3 19.3
37 Aediva of Cratorne Ballacchlagan Recurve 18.3 18.3
38 ((Laura Hill-Marsch)) Delftwood Crossbow 15.0 15.0
39 Wolfgang Wylder Woode Dunloch Recurve 1.0 33.3

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