Rules for SSAC - 13C 5 Pillars-Speed
The Scorekeeper last approved scores for this shoot on: 10/4/13
Shoot Begins: Monday, July 1, 2013
Shoot Ends: Monday, September 30, 2013
Scores must be Submitted by: Monday, October 7, 2013 and within 30 days of being shot.
This is part of the Five Pillars shoot, please read all of the rules there. All of the SSAC General Rules still apply.
Rules for this part of the shoot:
Strike Swiftly
Target consists of a 60cm target shot in two ends, one at 20 yards (Youth: 15) and one at 40 yards (Youth: 30). A standard 5 color FITA target can be used in this shoot, though the scoring will be different. Archers have 30 seconds to shoot as many arrows as they can. Each strike within any scoring zone is worth 3 points, regardless of color. If the archer scores with a single arrow, than any arrows shot beyond 6 arrows is worth a bonus of 2 points, regardless of if they scored. Example: Archer shot 8 arrows, scored on 5. 5 scoring arrows x 3pts (15) for a score and 2 extra arrows x 2pts (4) for speed bonus (total 19).