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Rules for SSAC - 22D-Anti-FITA

The Scorekeeper last approved scores for this shoot on: 12/21/22

Shoot Begins: Thursday, September 1, 2022
Shoot Ends: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Scores must be Submitted by: Thursday, December 15, 2022 and within 30 days of being shot.


As we all know the FITA targets are concentric circles where shooting closer to the middle gets you more points, missing the highest point circle just means you hit a slightly lower point circle, and each arrow is on its own. The idea behind this target was the exact opposite. It is all triangles, shooting for the outside, missing the highest point space might mean you hit a zero point space, and all your arrows need to work together to maximize your points.

Please read the SSAC General Rules, as these apply to all SSAC shoots. Below are the additional rules for this specific shoot.

The target is made on a 24 inch square. Along each edge make a mark every 3 inches, then diagonally connect those marks starting from the corners. The square will end up with a diamond in the middle and four progressively smaller stripes out to the corner. The scoring areas may be colored in for visibility, but that is optional.

This shoot is designed to be shot at a range of 20 yards, and consists of 4 ends. Each Timed end is 45 seconds long. Each Static end is 8 arrows.

  • Square (flat side at the top), shoot a Timed and Static end.
  • Diamond (point at the top), shoot a Timed and Static end.

The point values for each space are as follows, starting at the smallest triangle out at the outside corner: 8 pts, 6 pts, 4 pts, 2 pts for the longest stripe, and that big space in the middle is worth nothing.

The catch is that each corner must be kept with the same number of arrows, monopoly style. That is you must have one scoring arrow in each corner before a second arrow may be scored in any corner. You must have two scoring arrows in each before a third may count, etc. Each 'corner' includes all four stripes, *not* just the 8 pt corner triangle. This does not need to be maintained while shooting, only once shooting is complete and the end is being scored. It is up to the individual archers to remember where they probably hit while shooting.

This shoot was suggested by:
Barony of Dun Carraig Archers


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